
Love Letter To My Husband: Romantic Love Letters for Your Beloved Husband

By Ann Mumbi

June 23, 2023

Writing your hubby a love note could seem quaint or even tedious. But reading sentiments that have been written down on paper still provides a unique experience. Receiving a handwritten letter brings exceptional joy and has an enduring effect. Despite the fact that you can compose letters on your smart devices, handwritten notes continue to top the list when it comes to making someone feel even more loved and cherished. Your relationship will be dull and lifeless without romance and affection.

Writing a passionate love letter to your husband is the best approach to reigniting the passion and restoring closeness.

1. Dear husband,The day we married is one of the best days of my life, as on that day I found my best friend for life. It is true, I was skeptical in the beginning, but you made me feel so loved and comfortable, that I cannot imagine a life without you. Now, I genuinely feel I am the luckiest girl on earth, for I have a man who is loyal to me.

I want to confess that, every night after you drift away to sleep, I stay awake just to watch you sleep. You may think I am crazy, but I cannot help it, I am obsessed with you. I only want one thing in life now, to be your only love forever.

Your loving wife.

2. Dear husband,I know we are no ordinary couple, we had many ups and downs, and our relationship has seen some of the worst storms. But we survived all that and here we are together. No matter how much we fight, my heart still flutters upon seeing you. I still dream about our romantic dates and late-night conversations.

You may not know, even when I am busy at work, I sneak peeks at your picture and smile. I read our old conversations and want to relive all those sweet moments. After every fight, even though I stay adamant on the outside, deep inside I crave your touch and cannot wait to end the fight.

With lots of love,

Your wife.

3. Darling husband,These few words are not enough to tell you how much I love you, but still sending you my true feelings through this letter. The day I met you, I thought you are also just like any other guy, but you proved me wrong, you made me believe in the phrase “There are no perfect men, but one man is perfect for you.” After meeting you, I never felt the need to look at another man, as you made me feel complete and safe. I am glad that it did not work out with any other guy as it did with you.

Always your loving wife name.

4. Dear hubby,I know I am not the most beautiful woman in the world, nor do I possess all the qualities of a good wife, but you never made me feel any less of myself. You loved me for who I am and never tried to change me. This motivated me to work on myself to bring out the best in me. Even after all these years, I still feel jealous when a passerby lady glances at you — that is how much I want you to be mine.

I still remember the day I saw you, you were wearing a neatly tucked white shirt, jeans, and a smile which I can never forget in my life. I was a nervous wreck, as you were so confident and good-looking. But you made me comfortable, and all my insecurities vanished. Thank you for that and more. I love you so much.

With lots of love name.

5. Dear husband,I was hopelessly romantic, waiting for prince charming to sweep me off my feet. The world said I was living in fantasy until you came along. Now the same world talks about how lucky I am. I can never forget the day we met, it was love at first sight for me, (even though I did not confess first), I was smitten and head-over-heels for you. I couldn’t stop rambling about how handsome you were, to my friends. And today I cannot believe I am your wife, and the best part is waking up in the middle of the night only to find you beside me. I love you to the moon and back darling.

Your silly wife.

6. Dear husband,Although I do not tell this often, I do love you more than anyone can ever love you. If I had a flower every time I missed you, I would be walking in a garden. This distance between us is unbearable, and I miss you more as each day passes by. You are on my mind every second. Whether I am sleeping, eating or working, you are my constant thought. Now my life revolves around two things, counting days to meet you and reminiscing the memories until I meet you again. I hope this physical distance would soon disappear and we can spend the rest of our life together forever.

Miss you, hubby.

7. Dear husband,First of all, I would like to wish you a very happy birthday. On this special day, I would like to remind you how much you mean to me, through this letter. I know you do not like a public display of emotions, but I hope you would allow me to do it on this special day.

You are the perfect husband for me; I can never imagine anyone else in your place. You are loving, caring, and forgiving. I know I am the absolute opposite of all these, and that is why I am lucky to have you in my life. You are the same today as you were on the day I first met you. Thank you for being the only constant in this ever-changing world. You are a positive person, who can see the light at the end of the tunnel no matter how hopeless the situation might be (this is one of the qualities I am trying to acquire). On this day, I wish all your dreams come true, and may you live a happy and healthy life.

Your loving family.

8. Darling husband,Many happy returns of the day!

Today is the day when God has created a special person just for me, and I thank him every day for that. You transformed my life into a paradise, and I cannot thank you enough for it. You are a loving husband and an incredible father to our kids. I am sure they are going to turn out to be amazing just like their dad. I am glad to spend my life with you, and I wish to spend many such amazing years ahead.On this day, I would like to tell you how much you inspire me. Your patience and your positive attitude were the only things that could make me go on in difficult times. Have a beautiful birthday, darling.

Your wife name.

9. Happy birthday my dear husband!On this special day, let me take the opportunity to tell you how much I love you. You probably would not believe it, but I wait for this day every year so that I can celebrate it with you. All year long you pamper and love me, but today it is my turn, so just sit back and relax. I always believed that I was among the unlucky, but you came and made me the luckiest of all. Life with you is never boring, each day there is something new to discover, something new to love you even more. I hope I will be able to make you happy and always wish to see a smile on your face.

Your loving wife name.

10. My dear husband,Have a wonderful birthday!

On this birthday I would like to give you a special gift by pouring out all my feelings in words and writing you this letter.

Dearest, I have no words to describe how much I love you. I wish I were a poet to express my feelings beautifully through words. All I can say is you mean the world to me. My day starts with you and ends with you. Life is never fair, there will always be many ups and downs, but what makes it worth is to have a reliable and trustworthy guy like you. On this special day, I would also like to thank your mother for raising you into a perfect gentleman. And I wish our kids will grow up being like you.

One of the best qualities you possess is that you are sensitive to others’ pain. I still remember how you had given your favorite t-shirt to a shivering homeless man. Living with you, I learned that real happiness lies in selflessness. Thank you for opening up a whole new world for me. I pray to God to give you the strength to continue being the amazing person you are.

With loads of love,

Your wife.

11. Dear husband’s name,From being my childhood friend to being my teenage crush to being my husband, we have been with each other through thick and thin. People often ask me if I ever get bored of you, I would ask them, “‘how can I get bored of my own shadow?” You are my partner in crime, my guide during difficult times, and my all-time favorite person.

Thank you for bearing with me all these years, I know I can be difficult sometimes. And you had so many reasons for giving up on us. But always you chose to stay and make things work. This year is going to be pretty special for both of us, as we are going to become parents soon. And I know you would make an excellent father as well.

Happy birthday to you!

Yours forever name

12. Dear husband,Very happy birthday to you!

I know you will have a smile after seeing this letter, as this is the first time I am putting down my feelings in words. Thank you for being such a great husband. You never made me feel alone; you always made sure I was happy. No one has given me so much happiness. I am proud that our marriage is strong, all thanks to you and your dedication to our relationship.

I hope your birthday is filled with joy. Happy birthday dear!

Your loving wife name

13. Dear husband,A happy wedding anniversary!

Today marks the completion of our first year together as husband and wife. I cannot believe it’s been a year since we got married. I guess we lost track of time as we were too busy being happy. Before getting married, I heard my friends say how difficult the first year of marriage could be. But I am surprised that our first year was the most wonderful year of my life. And it was all because of you.

Even though we had our fair share of fights, we never let them get in the way of our love. I wish we stay the same happy-go-lucky couple forever.

Your loving wife name

14. Darling husband,Today is our 25th anniversary. I feel it was just yesterday when you were in that black and white tux, nervously waiting for me at the end of the aisle. And I was walking cautiously both not to trip over and to maintain my bridal posture. I am surprised how so many years passed so quickly. Maybe because you still love me in the same way as you did from day one.

These 25 years were magical; they helped us grow and love each other more and more. We started our family and raised our kids into good citizens. When I look back, the only thing I can see is how you held my hand at every step. Here is to 25 more years.

Happy 25th anniversary dear.

Yours name

15. My dear husband,Happy anniversary to us!

Another year went by as husband and wife. I agree the past year was not all merry for us. We have seen some of the worst times, and thank god we survived all of it and are united as a family. I must give the credit for this to you, as you have been the true example of the word ‘head of the family’. You held everything together and directed us toward the right path. I cannot imagine facing the situation without you.

All thanks to god and you, the dark times are over, and all that lies ahead is happiness. This anniversary is very special, because now, finally we have put the past behind us and moved on as one strong and happy family.

Your loving wife name

16. Dear husband,Today is the day when we said “I do” and promised to be together forever. I am glad that we could keep our promises. I never thought two strangers could fall in love and become so inseparable, but here we are. I barely knew you, when we got married, and I had my share of doubts about us. After all these years, I can proudly say I made the right choice in life.

You welcomed me into your family with an open mind, adjusted, and sacrificed many things for the sake of my happiness. I think all I can do to repay you is by being the loving wife you always wanted me to be. I still remember the burnt dish I served you for the first time, and how you ate it without complaining. What did I do to deserve such a caring and understanding husband? I wish we had met earlier so that I could be your wife for some more time.

Happy anniversary my man.

Your wife name

17. My dear,The day that seemed so distant is finally here. I have butterflies fluttering in my stomach; I cannot keep calm. My friends say these could be pre-wedding jitters. But I feel I am just too happy and cannot wait to be your wife. Call me crazy, but I have already rehearsed our wedding for the 1,000th time now.

Darling, we are going to start an incredible journey together, which is not always easy, but it will be worth it, as long as we are there for each other. I hope you are as ready as I am to live in a house and call it home, have beautiful children, and call it our family. This day is a special day for most girls like me, who have found their soulmate. So let us do this right and start the adventure together.

Your would-be wife name

18. My darling,In just a few hours I will be your wife! I want to scream and tell the whole world how happy I am. I hope tomorrow will be perfect as I imagined in my head. Everything was just magical, we met each other accidentally, became friends, and finally, you asked me to marry you. I am thankful to God that we have found each other; there are billions of people in this world, and God has chosen you and me to be together. It is such a beautiful coincidence.

I hope you also cannot wait to start this fabulous journey with me. I know it is a little overwhelming, but that is how life is. I promise to be with you through thick and thin and support you as your wife.

Your future wife name

19. My hero,You proved that a man need not be handsome, rich, or witty to keep a girl happy. All he needs to do is be faithful, and love her as no one has ever loved her before.

My life was a mess; I had no direction. You came in and brought stability, and showed me the right path. Thanks to you, now I have a successful career as well as a thriving personal life.

I always wondered how a single person can turn my whole life around. But you proved me wrong. You are such a positive person and can carry those vibes wherever you go. I am proud to be called your wife. Thank you my knight in shining armor for supporting me.

Your proud wife name

20. Dear name,You are reserved, I am outgoing. You like sunrise, while I enjoy sunsets. They say opposites attract; I feel it is not entirely true. Initially, we might get attracted to each other because of our uniqueness, but what made us survive as a couple is our choice to love each other every single day.

Thank you for loving me unconditionally. I hope we spend many more fantastic years together embracing each other’s typical tastes and proudly being called the odd couple out.

Your weird wife name

21. My Superman,I want to write this letter to tell you how proud I am to be called your wife. Whenever people say I am lucky to have you as my husband, I agree with them without a second thought because you deserve all this. You are a phenomenal partner, who loves me and takes care of me. You never made me feel bad about myself, you always forgave all my mistakes and gave me a second chance to make things right.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for me. You made my life nothing short of a fairy tale. And very few girls will be as lucky as I am.

Your loving wife


22. My dear husband,

You are the first thing I think of when I wake up.

Love of my life, you are the first thing I think of when I wake up. I want to spend the rest of my life with you beside me. You are the love of my life. You’re the person that can lift my spirits when I’m sad or brighten my day with a hug. I think of you when I wake up, fall asleep, and every second in between. You are even in my dreams. You have made me the happiest woman alive because I am your wife. And I will always make you feel loved and appreciated.

23. My Dearling, 

I want you to know how much I cherish you.

Honey, I want you to know how much I cherish you. I take a moment during work every day to feel gratitude for you and all you do for me. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with happiness at what we have together. You show so much love and care for me. Let me be there when you need me.

I want to support you through your day and restore you at night. Darling, wherever you are, near or far, you are in my heart. And may the kisses, laughter, and love we share last forever.

24. My Lovely Hubby 

You fill my dreams with passion and serenity.

My love, you fill my dreams with passion and serenity. You’re a part of everything I do, and that will never change. Our days are hectic, and sometimes we don’t get the chance to talk like we used to. As you drift off to sleep, please know how much I appreciate you and all you do.

I am so lucky to be in love with this amazingly kind and confident man, my best friend. I believe in you and will always support your dreams. Let me help during the rough times and share the joy of your successes. And I know you will always stand by me. Together, we will always be a force, you and me. I love you forever and always.

25. Dear Love

You are constantly on my mind.

My love, you are constantly on my mind. It is such a sweet torture remembering, with exquisite detail, our passionate kisses and moonlight walk on the beach before you left for your trip.

I still smile at your silly jokes. When I close my eyes, I replay our night of passion, and the thought leaves me breathless. And although we are apart, our hearts are always one. Hurry home, my love. I can’t wait to see you.

26. My Hero 

The day I met you, I found out that dreams do come true.

My sunshine, the day I met you was the day I found out that dreams do come true. Every morning I wake up, see you next to me, and say a silent prayer of gratitude. We always say I love you, but they aren’t just words. I want you to know how much those words mean to me.

My love for you is steady and strong. Never have I felt as safe or content. You know my inner self and take time to listen, even when you are hurting. You share my pain and joy, and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone other than you. You are always with me.

27. Dear Father of my Kids 

You are the reason for my happiness.

My darling husband, you are the reason for my happiness, and I cherish each new day with you. I look at this wonderful family and life we have created and give thanks.

Your kindness, compassion, and strength give me hope for our life together. Sweetheart, you are the love of my life, and I can not imagine my life’s journey with anyone but you.

28. Dear 

I‘ll never forget the day we met.

Dearest love, I‘ll never forget the day we met. It was the day I started believing in all those silly things like fairy tales and love at first sight. I was completely and totally smitten. And now, as your wife, my love and admiration for you grow each day. I cherish the little moments, especially during the middle of the night, as you sleep quietly beside me, and I can snuggle up close to you. Yes, it sounds cheesy, but I love you to the moon and back. You will always have my heart.

29. My World

You are my best friend and the most extraordinary person.

Babe, would it surprise you to know that you are my best friend and the most extraordinary person I have ever met? I‘m flooded with gratitude when I think about how lucky I am that we found each other.

You are perfect for me. Each day you surprise me more. Some days you are playful or thoughtful, while others, you are strong and supportive. But you are always loving, always compassionate. I’m so grateful we are together – you have my heart, always and forever.

30. My Lovely Husband, 

You inspire me to live life to the fullest.

Hubby of mine, you inspire me to live life to the fullest. Your support and belief in me encouraged me to be bold and go after my dreams. But nothing I do would mean anything without you by my side. Because of you, I am becoming a better person. And I look forward to a lifetime of adventure and love. I am so lucky to have you in my life.

31. Dear Babe,

I am head-over-heels in love and cannot imagine life without you.

Hey Babe, Can you believe it? I am head-over-heels in love and cannot imagine a life without you. I love you completely. I ache for your touch, and the sound of your sexy voice makes me shiver. Your smile gives me confidence, and just seeing you (even in a picture) fuels my heart. You and I are a force to be reckoned with. Please never doubt that I love and cherish you. Even if we had several lifetimes together, my feelings for you would never change.

32. Dear Darling,

I still remember the first time I saw you.

My darling, do you know I still remember the first time I saw you? You had a lazy smile that made my heart melt. You were confident and stunning, and I was totally blown away.

But your natural charm put me at ease, and instantly, you stole my heart. I knew my life had changed forever. Thank you for being the most amazing man. And thank you for loving me. I am yours, always and forever.

33. My King,

We are perfectly matched, and you are stuck with me. My darling, we are perfectly matched, and you are stuck with me. You are so precious to me that it’s hard to express. The words I love you are insufficient to capture what you mean to me.

When I met you, my life changed for the better. I know it sounds silly, but I finally came home when I met you. I trust and believe in you unconditionally. Regardless of the roads, we’ll travel, I know our life will be extraordinary because we’re together. I support your dreams as you support mine.

I am grateful each day that you love me. And, in case you forgot, I love you, I love you, I love you.

Oh, and by the way, I love you.

34. Dear Baby Boy

Remember our first date when we talked for hours?

Hey babe, remember our first date when we talked for hours? I made a wish that the day would never end. Guess what? I got my wish. Every day I am with you, I am only with you. I look at our joy-filled life together with such gratitude. You are kind and strong and tender and compassionate. You are the most amazing man and father, and while you may not hear it often enough, you are appreciated and loved without question.

35. My Handsome Man,

Thank you for all you give to our family and me.

Hello, my love. I don’t know if I have said this enough but thank you. Thank you for all you give to our family and me. Thank you for your hard work and sacrifices. Mostly, thank you for just being you! It may sound silly, but I love being around you because I love the person I am when I’m with you.

You love me for me, and that has made all the difference. Your strength and kindness give me the confidence to be a better person. I love you.

36. Dear My Bestfriend & Hero,

Did you know you are my best friend?

My dearest husband, did you know you are my best friend? What started as a serendipitous friendship has evolved into so much more for me. You are a protector, a fantastic provider, and a passionate lover. You make me laugh and make me cry (but with joy!). You take the time to listen and allow me to see your softer side. You and I are perfect together – we balance each other in just the right way. I am grateful for you and can’t imagine life without you.

I loved you from the moment we met, and I will love you until my last breath.

37. Dear Sweetheart,

As Elle Woods said at the end of Legally Blonde, “We did it!” We made it. We’re here.

Although no one said that it would be easy, I don’t ever remember them telling us how hard it would be, either. And it’s been hard. We haven’t had the fairy tale romance I dreamt of as a kid, nor have we had the Hollywood love affair I fantasized about as an adolescent. But you know what? I’m grateful for that.

Your Soulmate

38. To My Incredible Husband,

You and I have had a real marriage. It hasn’t been perfect, it hasn’t been easy, and, honestly, it hasn’t always been pleasant. But, still, I’m grateful. Because life isn’t perfect, it isn’t easy, and it isn’t always pleasant. And you and I? We’ve built a life together.

Through mortgages, layoffs, births, vacations, deaths, retirement plans, health scares, and literally every other high and low (and up and down) that one can go through…you’ve been there with me. You’ve been my rock. You’ve been my anchor. You’ve been my person. Just as our vows said, you’ve been there for me in good times and in bad. In sickness and in health. You haven’t left my side. And I pray you never do.

Your Forever Love

39. My Husband,

Marriage is hard because life is hard, but that doesn’t make either any less beautiful. So here’s my pledge to you: I’m going to stop concentrating on the hard, and I’m going to start concentrating on the beautiful.

I’m not going to worry so much about the pile of bills on the counter, the washing machine that’s leaking, or even the kids’ college tuition that we should’ve started saving for years ago. (Like, before we had kids years ago.) And instead, I’m going to concentrate on the here and the now and the things we’ve accomplished. I’m going to concentrate on remembering to slow down and take time to quite literally smell the roses — preferably the same roses you planted in the garden when we were newlyweds. Instead, I’m going to remember that life is short and that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Chores can wait. Life won’t.

Your Dedicated Wife

40. To the One I Love,

No one said marriage would be easy. But I’m thankful that it’s been hard. I’m thankful because it means this is for real. That we’re for real. And that we’re going to make it through no matter what. And when you know that, you realize that everything else — the worries and the struggles and the bills — can take a backseat on this beautiful ride we’re on together, because it’s going to last for so many more years and there’s a sunset I plan on riding off into with you at the very end.

Your Loyal Wife

41. Dear Husband,

It’s been a crazy journey – sometimes I’d even call it a roller coaster ride. We’ve had beautiful times as well as challenging ones, but we’ve stood by one another through it all, and I’m grateful for that. You’ve encouraged me and inspired me, and it’s been a joy to be your partner.

Today, I just want to remind you of a few of the many things that I love about you and inspire you to continue being the incredible person that you are. I love your strength, your dedication, and your fierce loyalty. You never give up; even when you’re faced with difficulties you pull through. You’ve made me laugh even during stressful times and pulled me out of the darkness when I needed it most. You’ve been a friend and mentor, bringing solid advice and wisdom to those around you.

Neither one of us are stranger to making mistakes, but you’ve allowed it to help you grow and make you stronger, more compassionate, and a better person. You can speak your mind with confidence but show humility and gentleness whenever the situation calls for it. If I could turn back time, I would still choose you every time.

Your Biggest Fan

42. My Darling,

The list of things I love about you would take decades to write. From your amazing smile to your sweet and funny sense of humor, you never cease to make my heart pound. When I look across the room at you… I have to take a breath. My heart still skips a beat just like the moment I met you.

You may not realize how often I think about you, but you are constantly on my mind and in my heart, even when we’re apart or get busy with life. I can’t wait to feel your lips on mine and to feel your arms around me. Even though life isn’t always perfect, we belong together – and I’m as thankful to have you as my husband now as I was the day we were married.

The strength of our love brings tears of joy to my eyes; you show up time and time again to love me no matter what life throws at us. Your genuine nature and beautiful heart light up my life, and seeing the crinkle at the corner of your eyes when you smile and the grin on your handsome face still fills my heart with love and excitement. I just want to be with you. No matter what happens in this life, you are the one I belong to, that I would do anything for, and that I will always want.

With Love,

Your Wife

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