Monday 17th of February 2025

Nairobi, Kenya

Top 20 Beard Styles for African Men

1. The Full Beard

The full beard used to be the most popular beard style for black men, and for good reason,The good news is that what was old is new again, and this classic beard style has been making a resurgence in recent years.
Regardless of the haircut or hair growth pattern, the full beard can be shaped and sculpted to go with just about any face. Men with high-coiffed hair will be able to pull off this look easily.
The full beard is also popular with lovers of vintage styles who can appreciate this aged look.

2. The Five O’clock Beard

Make no mistake about it, a five o’clock shadow will make any man look irresistible,Today, men of all ages are in search of the perfect three-day-old beard because it gives the appearance of the five o’clock shadow.
Don’t get fooled by this laid back and lazy look because it does require some serious maintenance to pull it off successfully.
The cheek and neck area must be shaved on a daily basis in order to master the look, while a quality beard oil will help to give the rest of the facial hair that relaxed cool appearance.
Trim the beard every three days to maintain this incredibly sexy look.

3. The Goatee

One of the most popular beard styles for black men today is the manly goatee beard,The biggest appeal for guys with the goatee beard is that you can sculpt it in different ways but still get the desired look.
Black guys who have rounded faces can really make the most of this beard style by incorporating and connecting it to the mustache.

Regardless if you trim the edges thin or let them go thicker, the goatee beard commands attention especially when it is allowed to reach its full potential.

4. The Short Beard

One of the more appealing beard trends in the African-American communities is the short beard.It might appear on the surface that men with black skin would not be able to pull off the shorter beard because it blends with their skin color, but it actually helps to give them a look many women and men actually prefer.

The trick is to let the beard grow out longer than three days to get past the sloppy stage. Once it has grown out for a week or more, the beard will line up and become more symmetrical.

5. The Carved Beard

Young men are sporting the carved beard because it better allows them to express their own unique personality,This sculpted beard style features perfectly shaped contours that require dedication and skill to master.
A precision trimmer or razor are used to sculpt the cheekbones, goatee, neck, and mustache. It is best suited for men with dense beard hair.
Be prepared however to be working on your beard daily to maintain this look. The extra work will definitely pay off in a huge influx of attention.

6. Soul Patch

Probably the simplest of all beard types for the black man. It gives them that certain style that has an imperial feel to it.
Another variation of the goatee, the soul patch is simply a strip of facial hair that extends down from the lower lip to the chin and can be trimmed just about any width.
In addition to the soul patch, the mustache is a unique way to compliment this beard style and can extend all the way to the center of the chin to create the chin strap.
This is a look that will certainly command your fair share of attention.

7. Nicolas II Style

If you have thought that you saw the last of this beard style back in the early twentieth century, know that it has seen a resurgence this year and it appears to be growing in popularity with black men especially.
Popular with hipsters, the beard style is nothing more than the beard peaking at the chin, complemented with a very long mustache.
Don’t let this unique style scare you, it might appear different at first, but will certainly grow on you.

8. The Van Dyke Beard

The Van Dyke beard is clean, crisp, sharp, and really a unique twist on the traditional goatee.
Made popular by the Flemish artist Anthony Van Dyke, the beard style is nothing more than a small beard on the chin connected to the goatee but with little or no mustache at all.

This imperial look must be trimmed daily to maintain its appearance.
This is certainly an acquired taste and one that leaves plenty of room for creativity when it comes to widening the soul patch or shaping the chin beard.

9. The Mutton Chops

One of the most daring beard styles for black men are the mutton chops. This is a look that requires a certain sense of bravery and commitment that will result in a style unlike any other.
To pull off this manly look successfully, the key is to shave the chin area, the mustache and the soul patch.
The remaining hair on the sideburns needs to grow out longer, denser, and larger along the cheek and jawline.
Once they have grown thick, they need to be trimmed along the edges to give them a bold powerful look.

10. The Chin Curtain

The chin curtain beard style is exactly what you would envision it to be if it was not described to you.
The beard is carefully trimmed starting at the sideburns in a perfect line down the jawline, along the chin, and back up to the other side.
The line of hair does not come in contact with the mustache. This linear design does require some skill and precision to get it right and may need to be trimmed daily to help it stand out.

To maximize the look of the chin curtain, shaving off the mustache is preferred.

11. The Anchor Beard

The anchor beard also goes by the name Balbo, and it’s a fun combination of the goatee and mustache.
Look at this beard style from a distance and it appears to look exactly like an anchor or possibly an inverted tree. Black actors in Hollywood have made this beard style extremely popular now.

The beard style is nothing more than a full thick goatee with a section shaved that connects the mustache and chin beard.
These two missing sections need to be trimmed daily to maintain the appearance of the anchor or Balbo beard.


12. Friendlier Mutton Chops

Now while the original mutton chops might scare some people, this watered-down version is a friendlier alternative for those who want to be able to wear their mutton chops proudly.
The friendly mutton chops are the same length and shape as the original. The one big difference is that you want to grow out the mustache for a more inviting look.
To further complement this beard style, allow the hair on the cheeks and jaw to grow to about medium length.

13. The Barely Shaved Beard

Do not get the shaved beard confused with no facial hair at all. Although from a distance it can appear you are clean-shaven, the trick here is to let the stubble grow each day to the same length before trimming.
By keeping the trimmer set on the lowest possible setting and shaving at the same time each day, by late afternoon this beard will look like little sprouts making their way to the surface of your face
This sexy five o’clock shadow look can be trimmed and sculpted differently to allow facial hair to grow in precise areas.

14. The Bald Man Beard

When it comes to beard styles for black men, the bald man beard is a classic that just never seems to go out of style.
Popularized by men who were balding and still could grow full beards, the beard was thick and luxurious and climbed the jawline right to the edge of the ear before a clean line was made and no hair is allowed to proceed higher.
Not only does this look command attention, even guys with a full head of hair would shave it bald just to get the benefits and attention this look commands.

15. The Circle Beard

Here is a fun beard style that looks great with any face shape. The idea here is creating a small linear strip of beard that follows the jawline from the ears to the goatee.
The goatee will be growing in slightly longer to become the focal point. The trick here is not to go for squared off cuts with the goatee.

Everything needs to be rounded from the mustache to the chin beard, then up and towards the ears.
This tame look is for men who want to keep things sophisticated and yet mysterious at the same time.

16. The Split Beard

Allow your beard to grow in thick and full, then when it starts to extend past the chin, you can split it in two.
This is a killer beard style that has become all the rage with Jack Sparrow and each release of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
This beard appeals to many guys who want to give the appearance of being wild and spontaneous, yet cool and collected at the same time.

17. Mid-Range Stubble

Just before the facial hair reaches a certain growth point, most likely in 4 – 7 days, you trim it and it looks like stubble.
The key here is that you are not going for the five o’clock shadow look that only takes a day to achieve, you want the facial hair to grow to the point it almost begins to resemble a beard but not quite.

A stubble beard does take some skill and dedication to master, but the benefits far outweigh all the efforts.
This classic look is irresistible to anyone within arm’s length, and even a 1/2 inch of growth will suffice.
Be careful because if you miss the mark, you go from elegant celebrity to drunken hobo in a flash.

18. Ducktail Beard

This is not your typical neck beard here, it is one of those beard styles that has exploded in popularity in recent years.
Look at James Harden on the basketball court, how his duck tail beard commands attention in an arena of 50,000 screaming fans.
The key to the duck tail beard is allowing the chin hair to grow out as far as you can so that it resembles the tail of a duck, then shape it any way you like.
Looks great with a tee-shirt and jeans or a business suit and sunglasses.

19. The Garibaldi Beard

This might appear on the surface to be nothing more than a completely out of control chin strap combined with a neck beard.
To pull this beard style off it does take a layer of commitment that mortal men can not handle.
This beard requires you to grow out the facial hair long below the chin in the shape of the letter “U”. The closer you can get to the “U” shape, the better the overall look.

20. The Mini Goatee

If you are serious about growing facial hair but the work environment puts a serious hurt on your ability to express yourself, then you might want to go with the mini goatee to start.

This is about as small as you could go with the facial hair.
It is nothing more than a little strip of hair under the nose and some near the chin. Some guys just go with the tiny patch under the chin and leave it at that.
Go small, and see how far you can push the limits without being asked to grab that razor.Content courtesy of Beardoholic & Nairobi Fashion Hub

How to Style Your Beard

Whatever length you shave, take it down a notch or two when you reach below the jawline, then take it down a notch further again when you reach your Adam’s apple to create a fade. You’ll want to keep your edging/shaping game on point, too. Use a typical wet-shave razor to remove any stray hairs from the tops of your cheeks and around & below your neck, making sure to follow the natural lines of your beard.

If you want a smoother shave then feel free to use an oil, gel, or creme – but choose one that doesn’t lather so you can see what you’re doing. I’d suggest visiting a barber when you’re beard is growing in, and then again to touch things up every now and then.

If you do it this way you’ll find it much easier to maintain a well-groomed look, as you’ll only have to follow the lines and shades that your barber puts in. Takes the guesswork right out!

Beard Care Tips
You’ve grown a beard, chosen your style – are we done yet? Not quite, if you want to keep your beard looking healthy, tidy, and stylish, there are few more things you’ll want to bear in mind:

  • Shave: You’ll want to run a trimmer over the body of your beard every so often to remove split ends and stray hairs. Use a razor to tidy up the edges around your neck and the top of your cheeks, too.
  • Wash: Just like your head hair, you shouldn’t be leaving it unwashed. Shampoo/condition your beard twice-weekly.
  • Other products: Look at using a beard oil or other leave-in conditioner for an added shine. Towel-dry your beard after a shower and get to work with your product of choice.
  • Skin: Remember to take care of the skin beneath your beard. The hair of your beard will actually ‘wick’ moisture away from your face, which can seriously dry out your skin. Massage a moisturiser into your beard to avoid dandruff and dry skin.

What Tools to Use on Your Beard

If you’re reading this, it’s a safe bet that you want to do this beard thing right, so that means getting the right tool for the job. How do you choose? Well, we can help with that with some of the best beard products out there.

Best Beard Trimmers
Remington MB320C Barba Beard Trimmer is a solid, entry-level shaver, suitable for clipping your beard, shaving your head, or trimming designer stubble. It has nine length settings (1.5mm – 18mm), and the blades are ceramic-coated for extra resilience – dare we say, it’s likely one of the best trimmers for men at the moment. Another great option is the Gillette Fusion ProGlide Styler 3-in-1. A neat little tool that can be used as a razor, beard trimmer, or an edging blade

Best Beard Styling Products
If you’re planning to keep your beard looking full, lustrous and healthy a beard oil is a great investment. Murdock’s iteration of the common grooming essential is easily among the best beard oils out there. The lightweight combination of argan, jojoba and apricot kernel oils will not only have your facial hair looking the part but will speed up growth too! This handy beard moisturiser from will not only give your beard a tamer appearance, but the nutrient rich cream will also absorb into your skin – saving you the job of having to work on that yourself.

Last, but not least, Murdock’s post shave balm can easily double up as a beard treatment with chamomile and calendula to calm irritation among a plethora of other moisture rich ingredients to keep you looking your finest. Pop some into your beard for 30 mins, then wash out for a healthy, happy beard gang!

Content courtesy of The idel man & Nairobi fashion Hub
