Tuesday 11th of February 2025

Nairobi, Kenya

A Slay Queen’s Guide To Surviving The Lockdown

A slay queen thrives under lockdown because there’s no alternative.

I mean, who’ll wear all those awesome clothes in your wardrobe. You’ve been saving those red bottom heels, for a special occasion. All the looks that you’ve put together for all the fun, social, fashionable events, that were indefinitely postponed till things are better.

I mean there’s only one version of you, and you need to put all your haters to shame. Of course, it’ll be hard for you to get the usual essentials in this lockdown.

This lockdown might stretch for a while into the unforeseeable future. So what’s the best way to stay ahead of the curve.

First, don’t let your skin suffer under any circumstances. You might need a dermatologist on speed dial. Of course, you can’t get stressed out and break out in hives like in high school while you were fighting against hormones.

A true slayer knows that a smooth face is the best foundation for makeup. You need to order for all your skincare items to be brought to your doorstep.

Secondly, don’t forget to look after your hair. You might have to smuggle your stylist to do an emergency touch-up or to remove your weave. However, if you’re in the middle of nowhere with strange saloons then you’ll have to invest in low-maintenance styles and perhaps a wig, or two.

After all, you can change your hairstyle whenever you’re bored. Remember to wash and oil your hair as you wait for your favourite spa to reopen.

Indeed, you have to put aside delicate clothes. You know, that you can’t visit the dry cleaners, so why risk staining your cashmere sweater with take-out food from ArtCafe. I mean, this isn’t the time to take fashion risks. You should only wear cotton or other garments that are machine-wash friendly.

The gym is no longer a haven. You can’t wear tight yoga pants and lacy sports bras and snap pictures of yourself looking toned. You know that your clothes are a certain size. Hence, outgrowing your clothes isn’t an option. A slay queen needs to flourish during difficult times. You only have one option: figure out how to work out from home.

Stock up on luxury essentials. I’m talking about those pricey perfumes, that come in pretty shapes, and sizes. Also, foreign chocolates, that can’t be sourced locally. Let’s not forget all your top make-up brands’ products. Nobody knows when the lockdown will end. What if that day is tomorrow? You need to prepared to look your best.

Don’t entertain any house guests at any costs. I mean, isn’t everyone preaching about social distancing.

Don’t waste your time obsessing and flaunting yourself online. You can’t announce all your boss moves and wonder why haters are one step ahead of you. It helps to keep your enemies confused as to your plot your way ahead.

You have to study fashion and make-up trends from around the globe. Indeed, you can dedicate time to piecing together new looks, practising poses and snapping away pictures. Besides, you need to look like a fashionable badass whenever you post anything online.

You need to consider learning the basics of a new foreign language. Besides, you’ll always be travelling, I mean hello Emirates Business Class, I’m coming back to you.

You didn’t bake in the hot sun, wearing stilettos at Huduma Centre, waiting for a new passport to chill at home.
