A Slay Queen’s Guide To Starting A Business
A slay queen stays ahead of the business curve by starting a business. Your Barclays bank account is on life support but the better things in life never take a break. Beautiful people weren’t created to suffer long hours chasing after paychecks. Be a boss and a rise up.
The world revolves around money.
You might still be stuck at your day job watching your nail polish dry and wondering if it’s too early to pull a disappearing act. If you had a hustle, then, you’d only have to answer to yourself.
Starting a business is never easy. However, you can start by getting someone else to draw up your business plan if you’re not a business person. You don’t need to feel pressured to do everything, all the time.
Stay away from shylocks or weird messages talking about securing a loan in less than 24 hours. It’s never a guarantee that this will end well for you. People are aware that Brazilian weaves cost over Ksh 200,000. You don’t want bailiffs auctioning off your hair collection.
Stay away from invisible money initiatives, this includes digital currency initiatives unless you know what’s going on. If you don’t understand how a business works then how do you protect yourself from con artists.
Don’t open up a beauty and hair shop that’s identical to all the others lined up along the street. I mean aren’t you unique from everyone else. You need something different to draw customers to your shop.
Don’t place posters advertising your business in public transport, washrooms, walls or electric poles. You’ll look tacky. You can’t be associated with people that call those numbers. You also don’t want random numbers enquiring if you’re a ‘minji minji,’ and wondering where you live exactly. Femicide is real.
Never sell beauty enhancing products that promise to reduce melanin or make women “curvy” in specific areas. Since these products tend to be illegal and harmful. You don’t want to risk ruining your brand. One bag egg will misuse these products, end up with mismatching body parts and attempt to drag your name through the mud. It’s not your problem that they didn’t read the instructions.
Let a kick-ass designer create a cool website for you. This includes a logo that elevates your status and one that doesn’t leave people wondering what you do. It needs reliable contact details because money never sleeps.
If you have a notable social media presence then consider promoting fashion events, clubs or artists on your pages for money. You should be paid for partying and having a good time. Influencers share information about what works for them so read up on them. You can leverage your followers, start a brand and sell fashion-related items like Huddah and makeup.
Your loved one promised you a business, but you still need to check the business registration documents. A lawyer can check them out. You can’t be tossed out during the rainy season into the concrete jungle because he found a new plaything. Houses, land, cars and other expensive gifts need legal documentation listing you.
Paperwork means everything!
Lastly, you might not be good with numbers, so hire someone, that is. So, you can focus on growing your business and your brand until you make money in your sleep.