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Meet Khui Karanaja Founder and CEO of Adira Creations

Posted On : June 14, 2018

Ann Mumbi


Exclusive interview with founder and CEO of Adira Creations Khui Karanja She is a stylist, image consultant, blogger and fashion designer check out her brand Adira Creations home of fashion hacks, for best style tips and some awesome randomness.

When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a designer?

Khui Karanja: I think the urge to pursue design started in highschool. I used to sketch designs on my revision books when I was bored and loved dressing up my classmates during beauty pageans in school, I wasn’t aware there were fashion course in Kenya, especially a degree program I really tried to get a scholarship to go to London school of fashion until I was called to University of Machakos where I am currently in my final year of my fashion degree.

How is working in fashion different today than from when you started out?

Khui Karanja: I can’t say there’s much difference since I started out late last year. That’sa question I’ll probably answer in a few years haha lol.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today?

Khui Karanja: I think social media plays a huge role in making trends and  marketing.

Back when social media wasn’t as big as it is now, we depended on the likes of Sylvia Njoki and Wambui Kibue to keep us the know of what the years trends were.

But now I can easily just google or check on instagram.

In terms of marketing, well now as a designer or stylist you’re not pressured to have a physical shop because you can just open up an online store on Facebook or on your website that also acts as your portfolio that markets your work.

What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

Khui Karanja: My biggest fear was the uncertainty of whether people would understand my style and ideas.

What challenges do you face as Kenyan Designer?

Khui Karanja: My biggest challenge was getting clients and having them trust my work was good because I didn’t have a big portfolio since I was just starting out.

I also didn’t know or rather understand the business of fashion so I ended up doing a lot of work for waay less, hence making zero profit after putting in a lot of work.

Ann Mumbi

An expert in style and image, Fashion Addict focuses on brands worn by showbiz stars who have large numbers of fans worldwide Member Of #NairobiFashionHub Team

Ann Mumbi

An expert in style and image, Fashion Addict focuses on brands worn by showbiz stars who have large numbers of fans worldwide Member Of #NairobiFashionHub Team



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