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The Most Powerful Life Lessons if You Are Going to Succeed in Life

Posted On : September 13, 2023

Oscar Alochi


The way you live your life reveals a lot about who you are.
Some people are content to coast along quietly, hoping they land where they need to be and are prepared to act when the time is right.
Then there are those who actively decide to identify their values and priorities and establish the objectives that will keep them moving forward.
But mastering the skills necessary to deal with life’s lessons is a crucial component of living a successful life.

Life is not about regrets. It is about life lessons, We all must learn some life lessons. Don’t worry and regret your life away. Yes, there will be some failed relationships, assumptions made, and complex challenges in your life.

If you can learn these life lessons, they can be less painful to you in the long run, Here are 100 major life lessons that will occur to us. Find out how they will matter:

1. Make yourself necessary and you will always be needed. If you want to feel successful, learn to create, innovate, or design something other people can use and need.

2. Your thoughts are like boomerangs. What you pass along to others is what will come back to you.

3. You are more defined by what comes out of your mouth than what goes in it. The way you speak and the things you say have power. Speech gives us the power to create or destroy.

4. The journey to your success will always begin with the small step of taking a chance. In business, in relationships, and in life, it all begins with a small step grounded in a desire to be better and do better.

5. Your education is never complete. Determine to live fully and continually learn. Prepare for what life has to teach by being open to the lessons in everything you do and experience.

6. Don’t allow the voice of your fears to be louder than the other voices in your head. Make sure the voice of reason, the voice of belief, and the voice of confidence are all strong enough to drown it out.

7. A good reputation is more valuable than money. Your reputation is built on the foundation of your character; it entails the words you speak and the actions you take. Take care of your character above all other things and your reputation will take care of itself.

8. You never really lose until you stop trying. The words I can’t never accomplish anything. I’ll try, on the other hand, can perform wonders. Until you try you don’t know what you can do.

9. You get more by giving more. Success doesn’t result from how much you get but from how much you give. If you want an abundant life, give as much as you can.

10. Rule your mind or it will rule you. When you rule your mind by controlling negativity and doubt, you rule your world. The choice is yours to make every day.

11. Great heroes are truly humble. Most of us underrate the importance of humility. It’s an important skill because it keeps you teachable, regardless of how much you already know.

12. Defeat isn’t bitter if you’re smart enough not to swallow it. At one time or another, we will all experience failure. In fact, the more we are willing to risk, the more we will fail. The trick is to think of failure not as the end but as part of the process.

13. Your thoughts are powerful, make them positive. To have a life that’s more abundant and more successful, you must think in the limitless terms of abundance and success. Thinking is among the greatest powers we possess, and it’s our choice to use it negatively or positively.

14. Forgiveness benefits two people–the giver and the receiver. The bravest and the smartest thing you can do in a bad situation is to forgive and move on. Don’t allow grudges and grievances to add to the weight you carry on the road to your own success.

15. The word impossible contains its opposite: “I’m possible.” What is impossible may be a matter of a limited point of view. Allow no limiting beliefs to restrict your outlook on life.

16. Preparation is a stepping stone to success. As the old saying goes, failing to prepare means preparing to fail. Success can be defined as being totally prepared.

17. You are constantly creating your own reality. Your reality is built out of your thoughts, so remember how much power you have. What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.

18. You are in control of your own heaven or hell. You’re the master of your own destiny. You may not always be able to control your circumstances and environment, but how you respond is always within your control.

19. Envy consumes itself. And if you give it a foothold in your life, it will take you with it.

20. You can become bitter or better as a result of your circumstances. Your attitude is always up to you. No matter the circumstance, remind yourself that you have a choice. It’s up to you to get the results you want.

21. Those who seldom make mistakes seldom stumble upon new innovations. Mistakes are proof that you’re trying, creating, exploring, and discovering. Every success story and every fulfilled life needs mistakes. We may think of mistakes as meaning you’ve done something wrong, but in truth, they mean you’re doing something right.

22. It’s in losing yourself that you find yourself. The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are, and the second greatest is being happy with what you find.

23. When you’re facing the right direction, all you need to do is keep walking. If you’re lucky enough to know what you want, you can apply your passion and always love what you do. If you’re still working to discover what you want, keep exploring. Either way, stay persistent and determined.

24. Be grateful every day, because that’s the source of true power. The most important power lies in a grateful heart. Practice turning your thoughts toward appreciation and thanksgiving, because that is where you will find your gifts, strength, and power.

25. Never underestimate the power of compound interest.
Start saving money now. Save as early as possible and let that money grow. It may seem odd to put money away for “retirement” when you are still a teen with a paper route. But the earlier you begin to save, compound interest will help to grow your savings to greater highs.

You don’t have to wait until you have a better-paying job to start putting away some amount in your savings account. A few years hence, you’ll appreciate that you did.

26. Walk your own path.
Unfortunately, many people love to judge others.

It is easy to let peer pressure make you stray from your own path and follow others, It is important to march to the beat of your own drummer and avoid the pressure to conform to some popular norm.

You are your own special person and you should follow your own path and reach your own dreams. Do not let others dictate the way you live your life.

27. Take action immediately!
Far too often people put things off.

I will begin a diet next week. I will save when I get a better job. I will ask her out once I know she will accept.

Often this procrastination is based on fear of failure or a desire for perfect results.

You do not need perfection to take action. It is far better to swing and miss than to never try at all. Even your failures teach you lessons that will help you succeed in the future.

28. Take care of your health early.
You should never wait until you have health problems to worry about your health.

The best way to keep yourself healthy is by prevention. Smoking, drinking, vaping, drugs, partying, overeating, fast food, and too much stress all cause strain on our bodies.

While you may be able to do these things in your 20s with little ill effect, you are building a debt that your health will pay for when you get older.

Start being health conscious as early as you can. Eat right. Get regular doctor checkups. Follow healthy habits. All of this will help prevent future health problems.

When we’re young we can push our body to its limits day after day. It seems as if nothing can touch us and we are invincible. However, as we grow older all the parties, drinking, smoking, and eating fast food take a toll on our health, Start developing healthy habits while you’re still young and healthy. Take regular checkups with your doctor and dentist in order to prevent future problems.

29. You’ll be surprised by people.
Some will restore your belief in humanity while others make you think that we are the worst species on the planet, Never judge people by their appearance. Always remain open about what you can learn from other people.

People rarely fall into easy-to-fit categories. When you stereotype without giving them a chance you will miss out on exciting opportunities, great friendships, and powerful learning experiences.

30. Make every moment count.
Life is a speeding bullet. When you get older it seems like years have gone by in the time it takes you to blink your eye.

Yet, I remember childhood. Where a summer seemed to last forever.

What is the difference?

Often it comes down to how much joy we extract from life. When you are constantly working, raising your family, and dealing with your responsibilities it is easy for the days to seem short and lifeless, It is important to grab a hold of joy when you can. Make every moment count. Live life to the fullest, because time is short and you never know what the next day brings.

31. You alone have the power to create the life you want.
Other people can support you. They can guide you. Train you. Help you.

Others can make your success difficult. Like crabs in a bucket, they can attempt to pull you back down to their level.

But in the end, it is your decision, and your responsibility, as to the direction which your life will take. And it is 100% up to you to make it happen.

32. Learn to develop good habits.
The best way to achieve success in life is by repeating the same small actions day in and day out.

This form of routine will inexorably move you toward your greater goals in life.

However, it is not easy to create new habits. Before they can become habits you need to get these actions ingrained as part of your natural daily routine. This can be difficult if habits go against your inclinations or daily routines.

33. Appreciate your journey.
It is far too easy to get caught up in worrying about the future.

When people get too caught up in what will happen, they do not take time to enjoy the present. Life is a journey. You will not end up where you expect. So learn to enjoy the trip while keeping one eye on the road.

If you appreciate the now, you will be far better off when you get to where you are going.

34. Cherish what you have in your life.
There will be times when you’ll envy what others possess or have achieved in their lives. This prevents you from seeing the good things in your own life and wastes energy that you could otherwise direct in working toward your success.

Don’t fall into this trap. Learn to appreciate all that you have now.

35. Patience is a powerful tool for success.
No matter how much talent you have and the iron-clad work ethic you adhere to, if you don’t have patience, you will not go very far.

But patience is about more than business success. It is also a key to health and happiness. Patience is an antidote to both stress and anger. Being patient allows you to overcome challenging situations in your life. This flexibility helps you to better adapt to life’s inevitable curveballs.

36. Choose kindness all the time.
Life is tough. Some people don’t get the breaks they want or deserve. Many would fight to insist that they are right. Insist on being kind instead.

Kindness brings people together. Doing good actually feels good too! It can be hard to understand, but the act of kindness is just as psychologically rewarding as receiving kindness from others. Kindness helps us live longer.

In a world full of negativity, choose to be different and foster a spirit of kindness.

37. Live an honorable life.
The view of “You Only Live Once” encourages people to make the most out of the present moment. Nevertheless, taken to the extreme, this view leads to consequences that you’ll regret later in life. Respecting yourself and living in a way that others will respect you is a better philosophy.

38. You’ll be scared to do things but do them anyway.
Being courageous isn’t the same as not feeling any fear.

To develop courage, do things even if you feel afraid. Push your envelope and build your confidence and courage.

39. Always look for something to be grateful about.
Life might give lemons from time to time. However, there is always an opportunity to turn some misfortune into a gift. Always look for that.

40. Play well with others.
In the sandbox of life, it is important to know how to get along well with others. It does not mean that you don’t say “no” when you have to. It means pitching in and giving the team a helping hand when called for.

41. Only those who know how to adapt survive.
The US Marine Corps got it right with their mantra, “Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome.” Knowing how to adapt to the fast-changing world we live in right now is very important to survive any situation.

42. Never give up.
Tenacity is the virtue of sticking it out and never throwing in the towel when things start to get tough. Many people who have regrets are those who quit when success was almost within reach because the way was too hard. Just keep going.

43. Embrace simplicity.
Practice the art and virtue in all aspects of your life. When you de-clutter and remove the excesses in your life, you will gain more peace and appreciate life more.

If you want to take it a step further, read the best books on the minimalist lifestyle so you can learn how to simplify and downsize your life for the better.

44. Move out of your comfort zone.
Oftentimes, the most uncomfortable or painful experience that you’ll go through helps you grow as a person.

Only when you stop letting fears and anxiety hold you back, will you start to make those major breakthroughs in life.

45. Confidence is not being well-dressed but expressing who you truly are.
There is no price tag on confidence. The only way to have it is to unapologetically be you.

46. Practice good self-care habits.
Caring for yourself is not self-indulgent, but a necessary action for you to remain in good health — both physically and mentally.

With all the negativity, stress, and trials you encounter daily, you must give yourself time to recharge.

47. Sometimes you will not be OK, and that is OK.
No matter how much we want to be strong, there will be times when the challenges in our lives are a bit too much. Be compassionate with yourself. It is okay to be down every now and then but get professional help if you need it.

48. Never stop learning.
Learning does not stop after you graduate from school. Never stop being interested to learn something new or to further enhance a skill you already have.

If you want to learn quickly, then the key to mastering a new skill is to only focus on the information that can be immediately applied. Watch the video below to learn about just-in-time learning and the 5 simple steps you can use to master any skill in a short amount of time.

49. Stay curious.
Approaching each experience with a sense of interest and wonder can sustain your success.

50. Time is your ally. Use it wisely.
Our time is short. We could die at any time. Live your life like there is no tomorrow and leave no regrets behind.

51. Beware of excesses.
There is a line that goes, “Too much of a good thing is bad.” Focus on quality instead of quantity, be it in about the things you own or the activities you do.

52. You will not always get what you wish for.
But you will always be given what you need at the right moment. Sometimes, you don’t even realize you need it, whether it’s a life lesson, a material thing, a person, or an animal.

53. Stand by your principles.
Although it is easier to go along with the majority, stand firm in your beliefs. Do not allow others to make a doormat out of you. Learn to assert yourself.

54. You can learn a lot from children.
Compared to adults, kids have an unbiased and open view of the world. They have this ability to put things in perspective in a way that many adults do not have or have forgotten.

55. Nature heals.
Spend as much time as you can in nature. Open the windows when it’s raining. While jogging or when walking the dog, appreciate the beauty that nature presents through the flowers that bloom or the amazing sunrise. It can do wonders for your health and well-being.

56. There is grace in apologizing.
Learning to say sorry when you are at fault is liberating as well as empowering.

57. But don’t let words of apology make up most of your vocabulary.
Make sure to live in a way that you do not hurt people, and at the same time learn to recognize which things you have to reason for which to apologize.

58. Love with all your might.
To love and be loved in return makes everything worthwhile. So love your family and your friends. Do not take them for granted.

59. Give it time and you’ll get it right eventually.
Regardless of setbacks, try something at least three times before calling it quits. Chances are, you will have gotten it right before you give up.

60. Failure is the greatest source of wisdom.
When you fail at something, take a look at what you’ve been doing. Adjust or change your approach until you achieve your objectives.

61. You don’t need that much sugar in your life.
Too much sugar in the diet has been attributed to numerous ailments. We’re practically consuming it even without being aware that it’s part of the ingredients of the food we eat. To achieve health and longevity, cut back on sugar.

62. Your intuition keeps you safe.
It is also known as your perception, your hunch, your gut, or discernment. There is actually a science about the power of our subconscious in steering us away from harm. Learn to listen to its message.

63. There is power in silence.
In conversations, you gain so much by listening more and allowing others to speak their turn.

64. Life is happening as you read this.
If you’re putting life “on hold” until you get that promotion or after retirement, then you’re missing the whole point of it. Your life is what you’re making of it right now. Make it count.

65. Regardless of what you’ve achieved, there will always be someone better than you are.
The earlier you learn to accept it, the happier your life will be. Your objective in this life is not to be in competition with others. It’s about reaching your own potential and walking your own path.

66. Express your feelings.
Tell the people you care about how much you love them. If things upset you, learn to assert yourself without being aggressive. There is no positive benefit from bottling up your emotions. On the contrary, it can create health problems in the long run.

67. It will be challenging to live according to your values.
It will not be easy. You will always be tempted to take the easy way. Have the courage to stand by your beliefs and principles.

68. Travel is the best education you’ll get.
You will learn so much – about a culture, a place, and yourself – when you travel. Do it as often as you can. It is the best education you’ll have at the University of Life.

68. Things become clutter.
Things you have accumulated today might be cause for annoyance later. Learn how to make mindful purchases and avoid impulse buying.

69. Life is too short to leave out the fun.
We often force ourselves to be more serious in life in order to get ahead. However, life is short and laughter is often scarce. Carve out more opportunities for fun in your life. Forget about what others will think. Learn to enjoy your life.

70. Exercise should be included in your priorities.
A sensible workout that fits your needs helps keep you healthy and strong. It also improves your sense of well-being and can help you live longer.

71. Having a mask on will keep people away.
If you have a habit of posturing and pretending to be someone else, you’ll be driving people away. Expressing your true self is an effortless way of attracting people.

72. Letting go of the past helps release the pain.
Let go of the things that hurt you. Forgiving others has been proven to be highly beneficial to your health.

73. All of these are temporary.
Whatever challenges you’re experiencing now are all temporary. They, too, will pass. The same goes for the good times. Prepare your mind to accept change.

74. You need to work hard to achieve your dreams.
When it comes to making your dreams into a reality, there will always be those people who will be naysayers. There will be those who mean well by saying you’re better off choosing a different path. They add to the challenge of keeping to your path.

Don’t listen to them. Keep working hard to achieve your goals.

75. Physical touch can heal.
Aches and pains will be familiar companions as you get older. But you never have to endure them. Studies have shown that physical touch has healing benefits, ranging from improving the immune system to lowering sugar levels in people with diabetes.

76. Being of service to others gives meaning to life.
Making a difference in the lives of other people can give you a sense of purpose. Even in small ways, being of service can give your life meaning.

77. Your words have power.
Always strive to mean what you say. Use your words sparingly and wisely.

78. Aging gracefully is not something all people can master.
Knowing this, you can choose to bear the marks of the passage of time on your body with dignity and grace.

79. Give others a second chance; everyone deserves it.
Think back on your own life. Other people may have also given you breaks — twice, thrice, or even four times — that got you to where you are now. Do not deny others the chance to prove themselves to you after failing the first time.

80. Life will hit you hard.
But the important thing is regardless of how hard you’re hit you keep moving on. Having the ability to endure no matter what challenges are thrown your way is the key to winning in life.

81. What you were in the past does not determine who you will be in the future.
Things in your life are not static. You will grow and mature as the years go by. Do not believe in labels assigned to you by people when you were younger.

82. Striving for perfection makes you a boring person.
There is no such thing as a perfect person. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can get rid of the notion that you have to be perfect in every way.

82. Overthinking can immobilize you.
Whether you do it by procrastinating, blame-shifting, or being anxious, thinking too much can cost you precious opportunities for changing your circumstances in life. Become proactive instead.

83. Acceptance is the first step to freedom.
If you are in denial about your present circumstance, you will be locked in a cycle of misery. Once you accept things as they are and you find that you don’t like what you see, you can take the next step to change things for the better.

84. Problems should be addressed as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming unmanageable.
If you dismiss a tiny problem because you perceive it as harmless, you’ll most likely regret it later when the problem has morphed into one giant mess.

85. Keep an open mind.
An open mind makes for a smooth sailing life. It removes your need to control the outcome of any conversation or situation. In short, you will gain inner peace.

86. Challenge yourself.
Each day, try to do something you’ve never done before. View life as an adventure.

87. Complaining will not fix things.
You waste a lot of energy when you complain about how life sucks. It would be better to channel that energy into a definitive action that addresses what you are unsatisfied or uncomfortable about in life.

88. You must teach your mind to think your own thoughts.
So many things in this world vying for your attention. Media, for example, uses sensationalism to evoke a reaction from you.

Regain the value of having an opinion by writing down at least 5 ideas you have every day.

89. Expectations and biases will stifle your gifts if you allow them.
Many people live their lives waiting according to what society expects of them. This prevents them from expressing their true selves. Avoid falling into this trap. Embrace your quirks and uniqueness. It’s your gift to the world.

90. Learn how to handle rejection gracefully.
It will happen at least once in your life. And it will sting. Learn how to accept it and handle it with grace.

91. Your habits will shape who you are in the future.
Whatever action you do repeatedly or thoughts you frequently entertain will become part of your nature. Small habits will become part of you over time, so have care to cultivate positive habits only.

92. It is possible to mix fun and hard work.
There are people who think that laughing means you’re not taking things seriously and that you will never get things done while you’re having fun.

Actually, it’s quite the opposite. You’d be pleased with how much you can accomplish when you incorporate the element of fun into what you do.

93. Regardless of how old you are, people close to you are going to die.
It’s best to nurture the relationships you have with people you care about. Tell them how much you appreciate them while you still can.

94. Do not wait for retirement to do something for yourself.
Do it now. Start crossing items off your bucket list now. Do not wait until a specific age (say, retirement) to do the things you’re dreaming of. If you continue to delay, you’ll most likely regret that you haven’t done it sooner.

95. Believe in your capabilities.
Most of us are conditioned to undermine our own capacities. However, there will be numerous circumstances in your life that will prove – over and over – that you are stronger, and more resilient than you realize.

96. Read a lot.
Aside from helping you gain more knowledge, reading helps keep your brain limber and less prone to memory problems.

97. Don’t be afraid to be different.
Society will insist that you conform to the norm. Don’t give in to the pressure. Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine. Those hidden qualities are your assets.

98. It takes wisdom to discern what things don’t work for you.
But when you learn to recognize the toxic influences in your life, you steer clear of them. Allow yourself to flourish and thrive in an environment of positivity.

99. You matter.
You have a purpose, a personal mission. Although things may be unclear to you, for now, your presence here has significance.

100. There is no such thing as a self-made person.
If you think that success is achieved solely by your effort, then it could be your pride that’s preventing you from acknowledging other people’s contributions.

I wish I had known many of the lessons I do now when I was still able to appreciate and use them. The problem with wisdom and many life lessons in general is that we learn them in hindsight, long after we actually need them.
The good news is that we can share our knowledge and the lessons we’ve learnt with others.

Living is a process of education. Reading, viewing educational films, or personal experience are all effective ways to pick up vital life lessons. By picking up tips from others’ mistakes, you can save a ton of time and effort.

Content courtesy of Inc Africa & NFH Digital Team 

Oscar Alochi



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