Monday 17th of February 2025

Nairobi, Kenya

Turkish Cosmetic Market

Global cosmetics market size is estimated to be 300 Billion Euros whereas Turkey cosmetics market size is around 5.5 Billion Euros. Researches state that even during the periods of economic crisis, the demand for cosmetics products do not decrease in fact it continues to increase despite the crisis.

This situation is a valuable indicator to demonstrate the growth potential of the market. Turkey creates a bridge between European companies that have powerful market shares, Asia and Pacific companies that have strong growth rate and Middle East countries that have a high demand for cosmetics and personal care products.

Looking at the developments in the cosmetics sector, especially in the last 10 years Turkish cosmetics market is growing rapidly by nearly %10 annually. Also, Turkish companies continue to extend their product ranges and varieties as well as increase their investments nationally and internationally. There are many factors that can be attributed to the growth of Turkish cosmetics market, primarily due to Turkey becoming a center of attraction for global cosmetics market with huge investments coming in.

One reason is that Turkey being the youngest and 2nd largest population of Europe with 29 age average and 80 million respectively resulting in rapid increase of cosmetics consumption alongside with increased demand for organic and herbal products and increasing number of tourists who come to Istanbul and Mediterranean cities for shopping attracts cosmetics companies worldwide to enter the Turkish market.

Beauty Istanbul 2019

Beauty Istanbul  introduces its innovative approach in the events industry with the All-in-One event concept. In addition to the classic trade fair, the unique “o2o Platform” enables its exhibitors to conduct business with buyers prior to the exhibition date, commencing immediately upon registration. The exhibitors of Beauty Istanbul 2019 have already started trading with over 2,000 buyers registered from 145 countries and there is still 7 months to go for the event. Waiting until the exhibition to make deals is over!

The “o2o Platform” serves as a 365 days online matchmaking tool for the participants of Beauty Istanbul  2019. Visitors gain access to the platform immediately upon completing the free online registration on to view exhibitor profiles, browse over 1000 products, send product enquiries, pre-arrange on site meetings and directly communicate through messages with exhibitors. Official exhibitors of Beauty Istanbul are able to utilize “o2o platform” to browse registered buyer list and buyer profiles, display their products, pre-arrange on site meetings and communicate directly with buyers.

Beauty Istanbul also invests in a special hosted buyer program that will bring around 1,000 delicately selected buyers to the event from all over the world to conduct B2B meetings. To ensure the quality of the buyers, Beauty Istanbul  team connects with over 180 countries via phone calls, e-mails and face-to-face meetings onsite at over 300 events to invite the top importers, purchasers, decision-makers, professionals and managers with high purchasing power from beauty & cosmetics industry.

The most selective buyers from various parts of the world, with a special focus on South and Central America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, will be provided with travel incentives to be present at Beauty Istanbul 2019 .

Read more on the next page…
