Tuesday 18th of February 2025

Nairobi, Kenya

100 Romantic Heartfelt Messages to Share with Your Loved One

Heartfelt Ways to Show Your Significant Other How Much They Mean to You
There are countless ways to show your significant other just how much they mean to you, but it isn’t always easy to find the perfect gesture. Choosing a sentimental gift can be challenging, especially when you’ve been together for a long time, like The Pioneer Woman and her Marlboro Man. Life’s demands can also make it difficult to find the time. Ree Drummond once said, “When Ladd and I are both painfully busy and going in a million separate directions, we keep our heads down and power through, but we are at our best when we have time together.” When you’ve found the one meant for you, isn’t that so true?

Despite the time and distance, you want your significant other to know how deeply you care. There’s little that feels better than making your special someone happy. One of the most traditional and effective ways to express your love is through romantic messages, especially as Valentine’s Day approaches.

We’ve curated the best love messages, including the cutest couple quotes and quotes about love, to share with the one who holds your heart. Whether you’re looking to celebrate February 14 with Valentine’s Day wishes, commemorate your anniversary with heartfelt messages, send sweet good night and good morning texts, or simply remind someone of your affections, this list will help you convey your feelings perfectly. You might even write them out in a DIY card so they can treasure it forever!

1. Thanks to you, I smile a little more, laugh a little harder, and cry a little less. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I don’t know where I would be without your love.
2. To the most wonderful woman I know, thank you for constantly bringing out the best in me.
3. I am beyond lucky to have fallen in love with my best friend. I love you, darling.
4. There is nothing I want more than to make you the happiest woman in the world.
5. Your beauty, intelligence, and kindness make me fall in love with you more and more every day!
6. Good morning to the queen of my heart! I won’t be able to stop thinking about you until I finally get to see you again.
7. Each day with you is a wonderful addition to my life’s journey. I can’t wait for our forever together.
8. You are the perfect woman for me. I love you.
9. No other woman in the world can hold a candle to your beauty, charm, and grace.
10. Counting down every moment until you’re back in my arms. See you soon, my love.
11. I can’t tell you what a privilege it is to fall asleep next to such a strong, stunning, and intelligent woman.
12. It only took one look for me to know we belonged together. I’m so happy you’re mine, sweetheart.
13. The more years go by, the more I learn new things to love about you. You are the most amazing woman to me.
14. Your care, support, encouragement, and love have transformed my life. Thank you for being you.
15. Being with you is the easiest choice I have ever made, and I’m so lucky I get to make it every day.
16. My knight in shining armor! Thank you for always having my back. I promise to always return the favor.
17. Your voice is my favorite sound, and your smile is my favorite sight. I love you so much.
18. To the very special man who puts up with everything and still manages to make me laugh, thank you for being you.
19. If life is a game, then you’re the only teammate I need!
20. You are the most amazing man I have ever known, and I can’t believe that I’m the one who got you.
21. Missing your handsome face already and counting down the minutes until we’re together again.
22. I appreciate you and the fact that you kill all the bugs in our house, so I don’t have to. Love you!
23. You make me feel like the most special woman on earth. I am so lucky to love you.
24. Baby, you are the man of my dreams. My whole world feels bigger and more beautiful because you’re in it.
25. There is no one as kind, smart, witty, and handsome as you. I am incredibly grateful to call you mine.
26. You make me feel so alive. A million thanks to the most amazing man I know.
27. I’ve been waiting for a man like you all my life. I love you with every piece of my heart!
28. A million kisses to the most amazing man I know!
29. To find love is to find joy, peace, and happiness. All these have existed in my life ever since you became my partner.
30. I cannot think of any better way to spend my life than with you by my side.
31. How lucky am I to have fallen in love with my best friend? Thank you for being mine.
32. I know fairytales are real because I have you.
33. What on earth did I think about all the time before you?
34. If I was given a chance to change anything in the past, I would go back in time and find you sooner.
35. Nobody is perfect, but you’re so close, that it’s scary.
36. I love you more than pizza. And I really love pizza.
37. Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite!
38. You are my dream come true, and I will cherish you forever.
39. Stop making me think about you! I’m busy.
40. We go together like peanut butter and jelly.
41. I know that everybody has their own path in life. But the thing is, I’d rather share mine with you.
42. I always wake up smiling now. I think it’s your fault.
43. Just so you know, I would marry you all over again.
44. I am yours. Today and always.
45. You are the only person I want to come home to.
46. Just like bacon, you make everything better.
47. I’m here to remind you that you’re the greatest thing in my life.
48. Thank you for being my happy place.
49. You do a million little things that bring joy to my life. I appreciate every single one of them!
50. Your smile is more precious than all the treasures in the world.
51. Every day is the best day when I’m with you!
52. Sometimes it feels like I’m dreaming, but then I realize this is all real. I’m so happy you’re mine!
53. My happily ever after is with you.
54. Now I understand what all those sappy love songs and poems are about!
55. This is what they mean when they say “meant to be.”
56. You make me feel like all of my favorite romance novels!
57. Every day with you is a new adventure, and I can’t wait to see where our love takes us next.
58. Forget the butterflies. I feel the whole zoo when I’m with you!
59. Thank you for loving me and letting me love you. And most of all, thank you for being you.
60. Just when I think it’s impossible to love you more than I already do, you go and prove me wrong.
61. The day I met you, God fulfilled my prayers.
62. I want you to know that you are loved more than words can describe.
63. I can’t wait to grow old with you. I love you, baby!
64. Special moments with you, the sweet smiles, and the silly jokes—these are the things I cherish the most.
65. You are my safe place, and I will always run toward you.
66. Thank you for lifting me up when I’m at my best and my worst. I promise to always return the favor.
67. You make me the happiest person on earth, and there is no one else I would rather be with.
68. Every day is a blessing when it ends by your side. Good night, my love.
69. Good morning! Here’s to starting another day of being entirely distracted by your thoughts.
70. I can’t remember what my life was like without you, and I hope I never have to. You’re my whole world!
71. You are funny, kind, intelligent, and so easy to love. And for whatever reason, you’ve decided to love me back. For that, I am eternally grateful.
72. I’ll be thinking of you all day until I finally get to hold you again.
73. I may not always have the words to tell you how much I love you, but I’ll find a way to show you I care.
74. I am so proud of you, and I am especially proud to call myself yours. There is no one as wonderful as you.
75. Thank you for reminding me I’m worthy of love, attention, and respect.
76. I simply can’t go to bed without telling you how much I love you. Sweet dreams, darling.
77. I choose you every day, and I’m so lucky you chose me, too.
78. The only thing I cherish more than falling asleep with you is waking up by your side each and every morning.
79. I’ve been yours since the moment I saw you, and I always will be.
80. No matter what comes our way in this life, we’re in it together. I will love you through it all!
81. I will forever be thankful to God for gifting me with you. You are not just my lover; you are my best friend.
82. When I look into your eyes, I see a future full of happiness, adventure, and endless love. You are my forever.
83. I love who you are, I love who you were, and I love who you are becoming. All of me will always love all of you.
84. I never truly believed in soulmates, but then you came along and proved me wrong.
85. “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” —Leo Christopher
86. “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” —Hermann Hesse
87. “I love you, and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” —F. Scott Fitzgerald
88. “We love it because it’s the only true adventure.” —Nikki Giovanni
89. “You are, and always have been, my dream.” —Nicholas Sparks
90. “I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.” —J.R.R Tolkien
91. “I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.” —Roy Croft
92. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” —Audrey Hepburn
93. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever.” —Alfred Tennyson
94. “My heart is and always will be yours.” —Jane Austen
95. “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.” —Maya Angelou
96. “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” —Dr. Seuss
97. “True love stories never have endings.” —Richard Bach
98. “Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” —Loretta Young
99. “The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved for ourselves, or rather, loved despite ourselves.” —Victor Hugo
100. “I’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still I love you.” —Zelda Fitzgerald

Content courtesy of The Pioneer Woman & NFH Digital Team

How to Handle the Situation Where Your Partner Dislikes Your Best Friend

You genuinely want to get along with a certain group of individuals in your life. There is another extremely significant relationship that is sometimes overlooked: your spouse and your best friend.
A very significant dynamic that is sometimes neglected is the relationship between your spouse and your best friend.
While there is a lot of attention on your partner getting along with your family and you getting along with your partner’s family, there is another dynamic that is equally as vital.
It’s only logical that you would want these two, who are frequently the most significant individuals in your life, to get along. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.
Finding a companion who gets along with your closest buddy might be really difficult.

Even if you and your spouse are married or have children together, there’s a strong probability that your friend has been around far longer than your partner. This can occasionally lead to tension: Your partner can feel intimidated or just not like this person you’ve known for a very long time.
What should you do if your best friend’s partner doesn’t like you? Well, the key is to identify the root of the aversion. What you should know is as follows.

Check to Make Sure There Isn’t a Control Issue
The fact is that not everyone you love and cherish is going to feel the same way about them, and that’s alright.
You need them to be courteous and accepting, but you don’t necessarily need your partner and best friend to become close.
It may still work out just fine if they have only a passing interest in one another.
Pay attention to how your spouse reacts to your buddy and attempt to determine if it’s really simply that you don’t like them.

It’s possible that your spouse has deeper problems and is being too protective of you if they perceive your closest friend as a danger. If you have a feeling that this is the case, the relationship may have deeper, more fundamental issues.

What signs can you look for to confirm this?
If your spouse isn’t crazy about your closest friend, they’ll probably come off as uninterested or, at worst, mildly irritated or upset.
It’s particularly telling if they have a bigger reaction, such as being upset with you for spending time with them or acting intentionally rudely. If so, it reveals a lot about your spouse, and you may need to have a more in-depth discussion about your partnership, independence, and respect.

Try to see things from their perspective.
Even the best friendships are difficult. You may adore each other one minute, irritate each other the next, and then reconcile without batting an eye. Perhaps you’ve been at odds for weeks, or perhaps they’ve severely disappointed you.
When you’re attempting to comprehend your partner’s viewpoint, try to keep in mind all of these subtleties and complexities. Although you might not harbor resentment, your spouse has definitely heard you occasionally vent and express your anger or grief at your closest friend. It’s really difficult to witness someone treating the person you love badly.

It seems reasonable that they could be a little irritated or bristly with this individual because they frequently hear more of the difficult portions than the nice ones.
In light of this, even if you don’t believe your closest friend has acted improperly, it may occasionally be worthwhile to discuss the situation with them. I’ve definitely played the aloof best friend, but as my buddy said that their spouse is a little nervous or timid, I snapped out of it. Talking to your closest friend and urging them to go above and above might help if your spouse finds it tough to open up to people in general.

Set Some Boundaries for Spending Time Together
Even if your spouse doesn’t like your closest buddy, their top goal should be to treat you well, which includes making time for your pal when it makes sense to do so.
That doesn’t mean you should want them to hang together all the time and start inviting your partners to girls’ evenings (that would be odd anyhow), but you should be able to explain to your spouse why it’s essential to you that they attempt to get along.
Actually, your spouse needs to be considerate of it.

Maybe all of your couple friends meet up once a month, maybe you want them to go on a trip with your pals, or maybe it’s simply a matter of being nice and introducing yourself when they run into one other at a party.
Find out how your partner can simplify your life without making them feel uncomfortable by talking to them about it. You ought to be able to compromise in some way.
In a perfect world, you and your best buddy would connect immediately, and you could all run off into the sunset.
Unfortunately, this is very seldom the case.

Try to determine the root of the problem, such as if your spouse is simply being reserved or isn’t truly supportive of your relationship with your best friend, or whether they are feeling threatened by your intimacy with your best friend and there are some control problems at work.
You should be able to communicate with your spouse and find common ground as long as it’s just a simple case of not getting along.
They don’t have to be your best friend’s best friend, but they do have to treat you well, which includes being kind and hospitable when you need it.

Content courtesy of  Brides & NFH


True Love Words: Romantic Love Messages for Wife That’ll Express Your Feelings

Despite not knowing how to express it, you love your wife more than anything.
You can get whatever you need on this list of love letters for your wife!

Whether you’re looking for an anniversary card message or a cute text to send your wife to make her smile, there are plenty of romantic things you may say to her. Your wife will feel extra loved and appreciated after reading one of these quick messages of affection.

Like nothing else, words have the power to deeply move people. The other person will grasp their place in your life better and will gain a deeper understanding of you. As a result, be sure to verbalize your feelings in addition to using your regular body language.
Make your lady feel special with a few cute and witty sayings.

Romantic messages to send to your wife A great collection of romantic love messages for your wife is provided here. Use these texts as opportunities to tell her repeatedly how much you adore her.
Your lady is sure to be enchanted by these sentimental letters you wrote for her that are intertwined with your feelings.

  1. You are what my heart has always needed—you and me, together at home, two souls as one.
  2. I will love you forever.
  3. To my special wife. My love for you is never-ending; my prayers were answered when I met you. I cannot think of any better way to spend my life than with you at my side.
  4. You are the air that I breathe.
  5. I found the meaning of my life because of you, and I promise to love you forever.
  6. You are my best friend.
  7. You are the reason I became stronger, but still, you are my weakness. I would do anything for you to make you happy. I would give you the sun, the moon, the stars, and my whole heart forever.
  8. This a good morning note to say how much I love you!
  9. There is no better feeling than holding you in my arms.
  10. My prayers were answered the day that I met you. You are a blessing in my life, and I will be lucky to call you my partner for the rest of our lives.
  11. Your smile is my everything.
  12. A goodnight note to say how in love with you I am!
  13. I love you now and forever. I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I will continue to love you then.
  14. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I’d hoped to give you forever
  15. I don’t need the heavens or the stars. I don’t need gold or riches. I gained everything I could ever want the day that I met you: I gained a steady hand, a kind soul, and someone who I will fall asleep with and wake up next to for the rest of my life. You are my heart – you are my everything.
  16. Your love has transformed me!
  17. What did I ever think about before you were in my life?
  18. When I close my eyes at night, I can’t wait to wake up so I can see you, for you are even better than my dreams.
  19. My love for you knows no borders, knows no limits, never fades, and will last forever.
  20. Your happiness means everything to me.
  21. I would cross a hundred oceans just to be with you and hold you in my arms. I would climb the tallest mountains just to fall asleep next to you. I would do anything for you. I love you, dear.
  22. If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.
  23. I want all of you, forever.
  24. ‘You and me’ is all I need.
  25. I may not be able to say how much I love you or just how special you are to me, but I can say that my world is full of smiles and happiness whenever you are around. I love you with all my heart.
  26. My life didn’t start until I met you.
  27. My heart and my life have been filled ever since I met you. You fill me with happiness, make me thankful for all things -big and small- in our lives, and have made me believe in soulmates. Our love will last forever.
  28. I love you more than anything!
  29. You are the woman that I have always dreamed of. From the first day I met you, I knew you were going to be my happy place.
  30. I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, yet I know I will tomorrow!
  31. My heart belongs to you.
  32. Even after all these years of marriage, our love is still the one that makes everyone else jealous. Here’s to forever with the love of my life.
  33. I’d be lost without you.
  34. You belong with me.
  35. Real love stories never have endings!
  36. I knew I loved you from the first moment I saw you.
  37. It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.
  38. I can’t wait to start a family with you.
  39. When I tell you that I love you, I’m not saying it out of habit; I’m reminding you that you are my life.
  40. It’s impossible to measure my love for you.
  41. You are the rarest and most beautiful thing on this planet. I am the luckiest man in the world to be able to call you mine. My love for you will last a lifetime.
  42. Loving you is my favorite thing.
  43. After all this time, I still love you. It’s always been you. It was you yesterday, it was you today, and it will be you tomorrow and for the rest of my life. It will be you. I love you.
  44. I adore you.
  45. You make me better.
  46. You are the spark in my darkness!
  47. To my wife, I am forever thankful to have met you. You are my breath and my light. You are the reason my days are filled with happiness. I love you more than I knew possible.
  48. You are my soulmate.
  49. You bring me to life!
  50. I’ve fallen in love many times – and always with you!
  51. I can’t wait to be your husband.
  52. You are all that I know and all that I love.
  53. I love you more than bacon!
  54. I can’t wait to take you in my arms and kiss you.
  55. Holding you is my favorite thing. I love you.
  56. My heart quite literally beats for you. You fill my life with joy, and I am so grateful to be yours and for you to be mine. You are the woman of my dreams, and I love you with all of my heart.
  57. Your happiness is my top priority.
  58. I will love you until the end of time.
  59. Our paths were always meant to be entwined.
  60. I love holding your hand.
  61. Your lips are my favorite place to be!
  62. I love you on every step of our journey together, from the days you fill with sunshine to the rain we bear. I know there will always be a rainbow at the end of our storms.
  63. Thank you for always being my rainbow.
  64. You inspire me!
  65. The love I have for you is real. I may not be able to touch it, but I can feel it in my heart.
  66. You have given me true peace and love.
  67. It’s incredible how happy you make me!
  68. You excite me and thrill me. I love you.
  69. Your love is the best part of my life. There is nobody I would rather spend my time with than you, forever and ever.
  70. Your voice is my favorite sound.
  71. You are all of my todays and tomorrows!
  72. Explaining how much I love you feel impossible to describe. Just know that you are my heart, my soul, and my everything.
  73. You are the reason my heart beats.
  74. To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world!
  75. I love you for all that you are.
  76. To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your love is better than a dream.
  77. I know what love is because of you.
  78. You are my deepest love!
  79. You know I’m not good with words, but I just want you to know that you are my everything. I’m so proud of you and this love we have built together.
  80. Our love is bigger than words.
  81. My deep love is all I have to give!
  82. My heart is perfect because you are in it.
  83. I cannot imagine my life without you.
  84. I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.
  85. Together with you is my favorite place to be!
  86. I feel safe and comfortable with you.
  87. Our family is my pride and joy.
  88. You are my motivation for everything: to work hard, to love harder, to be a good father and husband to you. I love you.
  89. I love you more than words could say.
  90. When I am with you, I am my true self.
  91. The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt with the heart.
  92. Our love continues to grow every day!
  93. I love you deeply.
  94. I promise to be yours, forever and always!
  95. You are always in my heart!
  96. My love for you is so real, I could practically reach out and touch it. I love you with my whole heart and will spend the rest of my life trying to be the man that you deserve.
  97. I’m blessed that you are mine. I love you always.
  98. You are the woman of my dreams!
  99. Our souls understood each other from the moment we met.
  100. Giving someone a piece of your soul is better than giving a piece of your heart because souls are eternal.
  101. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

Content courtesy of Marriage.com & NFH 


Relationship Messages: Relationship Quotes and Sweetest Love Couple Quotes That’ll Make Your Heart Flutter

Being in a passionate relationship, or even a brand-new one with a lot of promise is a magnificent experience that is unmatched.
And while those emotions are largely incomprehensible, some of the beauty is attempted to be captured in the best relationship quotes and charming couple quotes.
You’ll identify with these statements on relationships whether you two are dating or have been together for a while.

This lengthy collection of the best relationship quotes and couples quotes will undoubtedly make your heart flutter. It includes beautiful couple quotes to share with your lover as well as motivational statements for brand-new relationships.

Nobody claimed that dating is simple. If you have a strong affection for someone new, you could feel uneasy around them.
It might be difficult to find creative methods to let your partner know you are thinking of them now that your relationship is long distance. Alternatively, perhaps you’re seeking the ideal Valentine’s Day saying that sums up everything you and your lover have experienced and learned over the years (or even decades).
The best quotes about relationships will assist you in expressing your love in fresh and meaningful ways as well as helping you say the things you want to say but lack the words to.

When you meet a new love interest or need wise counsel about love, refer back to these relationship quotations.
Let poets, writers, philosophers, and performers’ comments make you feel heard, reassured, and, most importantly, less alone.

  1. “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” ~ Paulo Coelho
  2. “We loved with a love that was more than love.” ~ Edgar Allen Poe
  3. “You can talk with someone for years, every day, and still, it won’t mean as much as what you can have when you sit in front of someone, not saying a word, yet you feel that person with your heart, you feel like you have known the person for forever.” ~ C. JoyBell C.
  4. “A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself ~ to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.” ~ Leo F. Buscaglia
  5. “Love that stammers, that stutters, is apt to be the love that loves best.”  ~Gabriela Mistral
  6. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.” ~ Pablo Neruda
  7. “We cannot really love anyone with whom we never laugh.” ~ Agnes Repplier
  8. “It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is.” ~ Hermann Hesse
  9. “Be honest, brutally honest. That is what’s going to maintain relationships.” ~ Lauryn Hill
  10. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ~ Lao Tzu
  11. “There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage.” ~Martin Luther
  12. “The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.” ~ Henny Youngman
  13. “I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there’s a life after that, I’ll love you then.” ~ Cassandra Clare
  14. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou
  15. “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” ~ Carl Gustav Jung
  16. “The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.” ~ Ernest Hemingway
  17. “To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
  18. “To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting, take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect.” ~ Criss Jami
  19. “I have learned not to worry about love, but to honor it’s coming with all my heart.” ~ Alice Walker
  20. “The love expressed between women is particular and powerful because we have had to love in order to live; love has been our survival.” ~ Audre Lorde
  21. “Perhaps we are in this world to search for love, find it and lose it, again and again. With each love, we are born anew, and with each love that ends, we collect a new wound. I am covered with proud scars.” ~ Isabel Allende
  22. “Love is the absence of judgment.” ~ The 14th Dalai Lama
  23. “You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you.” ~ Bob Marley
  24. “Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.” ~Bob Marley
  25. “I don’t need anyone to rectify my existence. The most profound relationship we will ever have is the one with ourselves.” ~ Shirley MacLaine
  26. “Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better.” ~ William Shakespeare
  27. “We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.” ~ Joyce Meyer
  28. “Learn to be quiet enough to hear the genuine in yourself, so that you can hear it in others.”~ Marian Wright Edelman
  29. “Don’t wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you’ve got to make yourself.”~ Alice Walker
  30. “Once we recognize what it is we are feeling, once we recognize we can feel deeply, love deeply, can feel joy, then we will demand that all parts of our lives produce that kind of joy.”~ Audre Lorde
  31. “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
  32. “You’ve got to learn to leave the table when love’s no longer being served.” ~ Nina Simone
  33. “Love is an endless act of forgiveness. Forgiveness is me giving up the right to hurt you for hurting me.“ ~ Beyoncé
  34. “When you take care of yourself, you’re a better person for others. When you feel good about yourself, you treat others better.” ~ Solange
  35. “Fall in love with someone who makes you glad to be different.” ~Sue Zhao
  36. “There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.” ~ Bryant H. McGill
  37. “Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.”~ Anthony J. D’Angelo
  38. “The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing.”
  39. “People should fall in love with their eyes closed.” ~ Andy Warhol
  40. “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.” ~ Natalie Cole
  41. “You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.” ~ Jodi Picoult
  42. “The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.” ~ Victor Hugo
  43. “The only thing we never get enough of is love, and the only thing we never give enough of is love.” ~ Henry Miller
  44. “I have decided to stick to love; hate is too great a burden to bear.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
  45. “The giving of love is an education in itself.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
  46. “Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are.” ~ Will Ferrell
  47. “I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” ~ Rita Rudner
  48. “Sexy is the thing I try to get them to see me as after I win them over with my personality.” ~ Miranda, Sexy and the City
  49. “I miss crawling into a man’s arm, kissing his neck, saying those three little words into his ear, ‘And another thing…’” ~ Felicia Michaels
  50. “A guy knows he’s in love when he loses interest in his car for a couple of days.” ~ Tim Allen
  51. “If you love them in the morning with their eyes full of crust; if you love them at night with their hair full of rollers, chances are, you’re in love.” ~ Miles Davis
  52. “If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?” ~ Lily Tomlin
  53. “Being a good husband is like being a stand-up comic. You need 10 years before you can call yourself a beginner.” ~ Jerry Seinfeld
  54. “Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache.” ~ Mae West
  55. “The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they’re too old to do it.” ~ Shirley MacLaine
  56. “Love is a lot like a backache: it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.” ~ George Burns
  57. “You can’t put a price tag on love, but you can on all its accessories.” ~ Melanie Clark
  58. “I like a woman with a head on her shoulders. I hate necks.” ~ Steven Martin
  59. “Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.” ~ Jules Renard
  60. “Love is a two-way street constantly under construction.” ~ Carroll Bryant
  61. “Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell.” ~ Joan Crawford
  62. “True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.” ~ Erich Segal
  63. “True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.” ~ François de la Rochefoucauld
  64. “It wasn’t love at first sight. It took a full five minutes.” ~ Lucille Ball
  65. “Marriage is like vitamins: we supplement each other’s minimum daily requirements.” ~ Kathy Mohnke
  66. “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” ~ Charles M. Schulz
  67. “I say if you love something, set it in a small cage and pester and smother it with love until it either loves you back or dies.” ~ Mindy Kaling
  68. “Love is the same as like except you feel sexier.” ~ Judith Viorst
  69. “A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that doesn’t mean she can’t have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones.” ~ Cher
  70. “If she happens to fall, I’ll be there to laugh at first and then help her up afterward.” ~ J.A. Redmerski
  71. “Love is sharing your popcorn.” ~ Charles Schultz
  72. “Marriage has no guarantees. If that’s what you’re looking for, go live with a car battery.” ~ Erma Bombeck
  73. “An archaeologist is the best husband any woman can have; the older she gets the more interested he is in her.” ~ Agatha Christie
  74. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” !~ Alfred Tennyson
  75. “I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me.” ~ Humphrey Bogart
  76. “I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
  77. “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” ~ Emily Brontë
  78. “Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.” ~ Nicole Krauss
  79. “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard ~ they must be felt with the heart.” ~ Helen Keller
  80. “At a touch of love everyone becomes a poet.” ~ Plato
  81. “Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.” ~ Zelda Fitzgerald
  82. “True love stories never have endings.” ~ Richard Bach
  83. “I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else.” ~ John Keats
  84. “There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” ~ George Sand
  85. “A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” ~ Max Muller
  86. “Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.” ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  87. “Love is sharing your popcorn.” ~ Charles Schultz
  88. “I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien
  89. “I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.” ~ Unknown
  90. “I’m much more me when I’m with you.” ~ Unknown
  91. “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” ~ Angelita Lim
  92. “You are my best friend, my human dairy, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you.” ~ Unknown
  93. “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” ~ Herman Hesse
  94. “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” ~ Oscar Wilde
  95. “I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you, and only you.” ~ John Legend
  96. “When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.” ~ Unknown
  97. “But I love you I’m totally and completely in love with you and I don’t care if you think it’s too late. I’m telling you anyway.” ~ Natalie Portman
  98. “I love you. I am at rest with you. I have come home.” ~ Dorothy L. Sayers
  99. “Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will.” ~ Elaine Davis
  100. “You know you’re in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ~ Dr. Seuss
  101. “A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” ~ Ingrid Bergman
  102. “Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.” ~ Khalil Gibran
  103. “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” ~ Oscar Wilde
  104. “Love is a friendship set to music.” ~ Joseph Campbell
  105. “My heart is, and always will be, yours.” ~ Jane Austen
  106. “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
  107. “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.” ~ James Baldwin
  108. “It was almost as if she had willed him into existence, into standing before her at the precise moment she was willing to accommodate him, arriving not a minute too early or too late.” ~ Roy L. Pickering Jr
  109. “Assumptions are the termites of relationships.” ~ Henry Winkler
  110. “I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn’t matter what you do, or who you are, or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.” ~ Julia Roberts
  111. “Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational.” ~ Hugh Mackay
  112. “Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.” ~ Walter Winchell
  113. “Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.” ~ Washington Irving
  114. “It isn’t possible to love and to part. You will wish that it was. You can transmute love, ignore it, or muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you. I know by experience that the poets are right: love is eternal.” ~ E.M. Forster
  115. “It is only when we no longer compulsively need someone that we can have a real relationship with them.” ~ Anthony Storr
  116. “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.” ~ Richard Bach
  117. “You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness.” ~Julia Roberts
  118. “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” ~ James Baldwin
  119. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” ~ Audrey Hepburn
  120. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good so hard.” ~ A.A. Milne, Winnie The Pooh
  121. “Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.” ~ Thomas Fuller
  122. “Distance teaches us to appreciate the days that we are able to spend together and distance teaches us the definition of patience. It is a reminder that every moment together is special, and every second should be cherished.” ~ Unknown
  123. “I don’t miss you and you alone  I miss you and me together.” ~ Unknown
  124. “If love cannot stand the test of time, then it has failed the test of love.” ~ Bernard Byer
  125. “Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It’s for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It’s for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don’t see it nearly enough.” ~ Meghan Daum
  126. “I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart.)” ~ E.E. Cummings
  127. “To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.” ~ Jorge Luis Borges
  128. “In a relationship, each person should support the other; they should lift each other up.” ~ Taylor Swift
  129. “We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it’s going to get on by itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it.” ~ John Lennon
  130. “The times may have changed, but the people are still the same. We’re still looking for love, and that will always be our struggle as human beings.” ~ Halle Berry
  131. “Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.”~ Maya Angelou
  132. “I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.” ~ Marilyn Monroe
  133. “There is no remedy for love but to love more.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
  134. “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” ~ Bruce Lee
  135. “In the end, there doesn’t have to be anyone who understands you. There just has to be someone who wants to.” ~ Robert Brault
  136. “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” ~ Mother Teresa
  137. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou
  138. “Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.” ~ Albert Einstein
  139. “I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes” ~ Unknown
  140. “For you see, each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.” ~ Rosemonde Gérard
  141. “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” ~ Harry Burns
  142. “Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself.” ~ Andrew Breton
  143. “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” ~ Morrie Schwartz
  144. “I want you to know that I’m not like the women in your past. I see the real you, and I wake up every day excited to know more about you.” ~ Barrie Davenport
  145. “When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew it.” ~ Arrigo Boito
  146. “You make me feel like I am everywhere when I am right here, completely still with you.” ~ Crystal Woods
  147. “Love is the beginning of the journey, its end, and the journey itself.” ~ Deepak Chopra
  148. “I still haven’t figured out how to sit across from you, and not be madly in love with everything you do.” ~ William C. Hannan
  149. “It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.” ~ Vladimir Nabokov
  150. “You might not have been my first love, but you were the love that made all other loves irrelevant.” ~ Rupi Kaur

Content courtesy of Woman’s Day & NFH


Why Do Women Cheat?

In the past, there have been more significant differences in the reasons why men cheat and why women cheat, with men cheating more for sexual variety and women cheating more because of relationship dissatisfaction. But nowadays, that gender gap in infidelity is closing: Men and women cheat for many of the same reasons and at similar rates.

Take, for instance, a research study out of The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, which surveyed 918 men and women with an average age of 31 and found that “there were no significant gender differences in the report of infidelity (23% of men vs. 19% of women).”  Then there’s the National Opinion Research Center’s General Social Survey (GSS), which found that women between the ages of 18 and 29 were more likely to cheat than men of the same age group (11% vs. 10%). Further data out of the GSS showed that the percentage of women who cheat rose nearly 40% from 1990 to 2010, while men’s adultery rate held steady at 21%.

The reason for the uptick in women who cheat? Some attribute it to the increased responsibilities (and therefore increased needs and wants) of the modern woman, as they shoulder the traditionally female duties of housekeeping and child-rearing along with the added demands of a career.

Empowered by feminist viewpoints and financial freedom, modern women are less likely to compromise and better positioned to seek out the emotional and sexual gratification that’s missing in their relationship. “Women want what they were supposed to get from marriage in the 1950s house, kids, stability, security,” says Robert Weiss Ph.D., MSW. “They also want to be loved, respected, and desired, and for their partners to be interested in and to care about their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.”

The question still remains: Why do women cheat? Read on for 10 common reasons why women cheat, plus expert insight that may help explain the motivation behind their behavior. Of course, every situation is unique, but these explanations may help you better understand the mindset of women who cheat.

Here are 15 reasons that may lead a woman to cheat:

1. Dealing With Low Self-Esteem

When a woman is struggling with low self-worth, it may spur them to look to external sources for the attention and validation that they and their partner are unable to create and sustain. A woman who cheats may rely on affairs to provide them with proof of their value or desirability, or to give their life meaning. When one fling ends, it may cause them to feel neglected or worthless, so they pursue a new romantic interest and the cycle continues.

2. Feel Emotionally Starved

While studies suggest that men who cheat are primarily motivated by sex, women who cheat tend to do so to fill an emotional need. And in the case of an emotional affair, sex isn’t part of the equation at all. Whether the affair is physical or emotional in nature, a woman may cheat because they crave conversation, empathy, respect, devotion, adoration, support, or some other connection that’s lacking in their current relationship.

3. Expressing Anger and Retribution

Some women enter into a relationship with an idealized image of how their spouse should behave as a parent, a partner, a professional, or some other role. When the partner falls short of expectations, it can create a divide in the relationship that provides the impetus to stray.

“Some women expect their partner to meet their every need and desire (even when they don’t bother to share what those needs and desires are),” says Robert Weiss Ph.D., MSW. “When their partner inevitably fails them, these women will sometimes turn to someone else.” Some women may resent their partner for another reason, such as a partner’s past affair, and use their own infidelity as retaliation.

4. Craving Excitement

You’ve likely heard of the term serial cheaters people who cheat for the thrill of it. Women can be thrill-seekers, too. They may love their S.O. but yearn for those endorphin-fueled interactions that make a new relationship so exciting.

In fact, in a study helmed by Eric Anderson, the chief science officer at the affair dating website AshleyMadison.com, it was found that 67% of heterosexual, married women who cheat sought out “romantic passion,” yet 100% of the women denied any intention of leaving their husbands; some even “stated their overt love for their husbands, painting them in a positive light.”

5. Feel Sexually Deprived

Try as we might to keep the spark alive, the excitement that accompanies a new relationship only lasts so long. “The most predictable thing about a relationship is that, the longer it progresses, the quality and the frequency of sex between the couple will fade,” continues Anderson. “This is because we get used to and bored of the same body.”

It’s not surprising, then, that some women who cheat are missing those thrilling hallmarks of a relationship’s beginning stages when passion and intrigue have yet to give way to routine and familiarity.

6. Lonely

A woman who cheats may have a partner who works long hours, leaving them home with the kids all day. Perhaps they’ve found themselves in a stage in life when it’s harder to make friends, or maybe their S.O. is contending with a chronic illness.

Whatever the reason, loneliness can cause us to “distort our perceptions such that we view ourselves, our lives, and our relationships more negatively which in turn, influences our behavior in damaging ways,” notes Guy Winch Ph.D. This can lead a woman to cheat, as these feelings of isolation and disengagement cause them to look for companionship outside of their primary relationship.

7. Lack a Secure Attachment Style

Attachment theory suggests that early childhood relationships influence how we perceive and behave in our intimate relationships as adults. Depending on the care and nurturing (or lack thereof) that one receives as a child, they’ll fall into one of three attachment styles as adults: secure (having well-adjusted expectations and approaches to relationships), anxious (exhibiting fear of abandonment), or avoidant (preferring to retain their independence from others).

Women who identify with the latter two “insecure” attachment styles are more likely to display characteristics think clinginess and dismissiveness that interfere with a healthy romantic relationship. Moreover, they’re more likely to cheat, as they seek out reassurance from a third-party partner or attempt to avoid the intimacy of the primary relationship.

8. Going Through a Mid-Life Crisis

While mid-life crises generally affect people between the ages of 35 and 60, the event, which often presents as a period of existential self-evaluation, has less to do with age than extenuating circumstances. Major life events, such as the death of a parent or a milestone birthday, may trigger a mid-life crisis in a woman, causing them to wrestle with the burden of greatness; that is, the socio-cultural expectation that women can and should “have it all” a successful career, a loving partner, adoring children, and so on.

“Events that make you change your viewpoint about yourself or life, that exhilarate and expand you or throw you a little off-balance, can lead to seizing a new love or trying another man on for size,” notes Carol Botwin her book Tempted Women: The Passions, Perils, and Agonies of Female InfidelityA woman may act out of character as they attempt to realize their potential and make up for a lost time. These actions can include infidelity, as a woman who cheats goes outside their primary relationship in search of happiness and personal fulfillment.

9. Contending With an Underlying Condition

According to Joel Block, PhD, assistant clinical professor of psychology at Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, depression, and infidelity go hand in hand. “An affair is exciting, so much so that the brain can begin to pump out dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin neurotransmitters we produce when we’re attracted to someone, but which, not so coincidentally, are the same chemicals produced when we take antidepressants,” he says.

In other words, a woman who cheats is self-medicating through their infidelity, even if they don’t realize the true reason behind their pleasure.

10. Opportunity Arose

Very few acts of infidelity are premeditated, asserts Isadora Alman, board-certified sex, marriage, and family therapist with more than 35 years’ worth of professional experience. ” Those who cheat do so usually because they weren’t actively looking for it,” she says. “The opportunity was there with a workmate, a classmate, someone in their social circle or at the gym, for instance.”

Similar opportunities exist in the digital realm, too. Social media, dating apps, and texting have revolutionized the ease at which we can connect with others, so it’s no surprise that these platforms often serve as a springboard for affairs even if the interactions start innocently, without the intent of something illicit. What’s more, women are generally more active on social media than men (although men are starting to close the gap).

11. Women cheat for sex

“Women appreciate good sex just like anyone else,” Nelson says. “Women cheat when they find a man or woman that turns them on.” If anyone tells you men cheat for sex and women cheat for emotion, she adds, they’re wrong. A recent study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that, although men are still more likely to cheat for sexual variety, it’s still among the top three reasons women cheat.

12. Unhappy with their current relationship

The same study found another top reason women cheat is that they’ve fallen out of love with their current primary partner. Even if the love is still there, in general, a woman who’s unhappy in her relationship may be more inclined to cheat. Whether because of anger, home, financial problems, family trouble the list goes on they may feel cheating will offer them what their current relationship isn’t.

“Women cheat because the relationship at home is cooling off,” Nelson says. “If there is tension or boredom at home, excitement on the side can be a distraction, a temptation too great to avoid.”

13. The new person made them feel special

Sometimes people cheat because the new person gave them a new feeling or made them feel like someone else. “Women report that an affair lover makes them feel special, sexy, and adored, and that attention is hard to ignore, no matter what their spouse does at home,” Nelson says.

14. It was just a mistake

The third top reason for women cheating, according to the study? It was just situational. Things like being drunk and “not thinking clearly.”

“Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes, affairs happen because of opportunity,” Nelson adds. “Women can act impulsively and then regret it.” In other words, it’s entirely possible there isn’t much deeper meaning aside from an opportunity that they weren’t able to pass up at the moment.

15. They want a breakup or a change

Sometimes people cheat because they want their relationship to end, and cheating seems like an easier way to break it than to directly confront their partner. But Nelson also points out that sometimes people cheat because they want something in their current relationship to change: “Women cheat to get out of a marriage, or to stay in one,” she says.

Who cheats more men or women?

Research suggests that men are more likely to cheat in committed relationships. One 2016 study suggests that on average, 20% of men have cheated versus 13% of women. Interestingly, women in the 18-29 age group actually cheated slightly more than men. Though as the years go on, fewer women cheat while more men cheat, and the gap gets wider over time.

Content courtesy of Bed Bible, My Domaine, Mind Body Green & Nairobi fashion hub


What are Multiple orgasms and how do you get them

The orgasm is widely regarded as the peak of sexual excitement. It is a powerful feeling of physical pleasure and sensation, which includes a discharge of accumulated erotic tension.

Overall though, not a great deal is known about the orgasm, and over the past century, theories about the orgasm and its nature have shifted dramatically. For instance, healthcare experts have only relatively recently come round to the idea of the female orgasm, with many doctors as recently as the 1970s claiming that it was normal for women not to experience them.

Numerous  studies have proven that women get the short end of the stick when it comes to orgasms in heterosexual relationships, with men having nearly double as many orgasms as women do.

Nobody is at fault here, men and women are just built differently, and it seems the evolutionary cards are quite heavily stacked against the female orgasm.

The Orgasm Gap is a real thing, people, and it’s not going to change any time soon.

There is one bright shining light at the end of the tunnel for us women, though. We can have multiple orgasms.

What are multiple orgasms?

Multiple orgasms can be defined as having more than one orgasm in a single session. These can be spaced out over some time, happen one right after the other, or it might feel like you’re having a wave of continuous orgasms during the entire session.

Although some men claim to be able to have multiple orgasms, this is an almost exclusively female ability. During the refractory period (the time between an orgasm and when you feel sexually aroused again), men are unable to get an erection, which is needed to reach orgasm.

Women, on the other hand, don’t need an erection to reach orgasm and therefore have a much shorter refractory period. In short, women were built to have multiple orgasms.

Some more good news

If you have a vagina and a clitoris, there is more than a 70% chance that you are capable of having multiple orgasms, compared to only 10% of men in their early twenties.

Of that 70%, most are be able to come anywhere between 2 and 5 times per session from different types of stimulation, and the fortunate ones get to have up to 30 or 40 orgasms (I suppose you start losing count after about 20).

The unofficial world record for most orgasms in an hour was set when doctors at the Centre for Marital and Sexual Studies in California recorded the case of an anonymous woman having an unbelievable 134 orgasms in an hour. In comparison, the best any male has been able to achieve is a meagre 16.

So you want to have multiple orgasms? I don’t blame you. Orgasms are pretty amazing.

Here are a few things you could try


It’s a well-known fact that women need a lot more foreplay than men to get fully aroused, so make sure you take your time. Apart from sex toys, oral sex is your best bet if you’re looking to have multiple orgasms as most women require clitoral stimulation to push them over the edge.

You don’t necessarily have to reach orgasm during foreplay, just make sure you take it slow, and you will stay aroused for longer.

Your orgasms will also be much more intense.

Switch positions after every orgasm

After your first orgasm, your clitoris will be sensitive, and even though you have a much shorter refractory period, it still needs a little break. You can do this by switching to a position that focuses more on internal stimulation.

Just be sure to keep checking in on your clitoris, you’ll be surprised how swiftly you’ll be ready for that second orgasm.

Strengthen your pelvic floor

Many books have been written about the benefits of Kegel exercises. Stronger pelvic floor muscles have many benefits such as better bladder control and of course increased sensation during sex. Regular Kegel exercises will also further reduce your refractory period, leading to more orgasms. Not a bad trade-off for a couple of minutes of training per day.

Masturbate more

The best way to explore and learn about your body is by doing it yourself. You probably already know how to make yourself come once, now start giving yourself multiple orgasms. Instead of high-fiving yourself or falling asleep after your first orgasm, begin playing again as soon as your first orgasm starts fading away.

You may have to decrease the stimulation a bit or focus on a different area, but don’t stop. Slowly increase the intensity as your arousal builds up again until you reach climax again. The key is to keep the stimulation going; you’ll be riding a wave of continuous orgasms in no time.

Use toys

Almost every woman I have ever spoken to find it easier to come with a sex toy than with a partner. If you have a toy with multiple settings, it’s a great way to switch up the sensations, and if you require clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm (like 99% of all women), a trusty rabbit or bullet vibrator is exactly what you need.

Pro tip: They’re also convenient when your partner requires a bit of a break, so please teach them how to use it.


Things the Most Toxic People in Your Life Have in Common

Do you know a toxic person?

Even if you don’t now, at some point in your life you’re bound to have come across a person who fits the description. Dealing with such an individual can be difficult and draining, to say the least. In fact, it may challenge what you know about yourself and push you to the limits. Here are some traits to familiarize yourself with, and to help you navigate these trying relationships:

  1. Toxic people are manipulative. Their modus operandi is to get people to do what they want them to do. It’s all about them. They use other people to accomplish whatever their goal happens to be. Forget what you want; this is not about equality in a relationship far from it.
  2. They are judgmental. Keep your eyes and ears open for criticism about you, what you’ve done, and what you didn’t do. It’s never about them, and they will lie if it serves them.
  3. They take no responsibility for their own feelings. Rather, their feelings are projected onto you. If you try to point this out to them, they will likely vehemently defend their perspective, and take no responsibility for almost anything they do.
  4. They don’t apologize. They don’t see any reason to, because things are always someone else’s fault. In many instances, although they try to orchestrate relationships to serve their own ends, they try to gain sympathy and attention by claiming “victim” status.
  5. They are inconsistent. It’s hard to know who you’re with at any given time because they are often not the same person. They may change their perspective, attitude, and behavior depending on what they feel they need to accomplish or what they want to have happen. (And they know how to be kind when they want something from you.
  6. They make you prove yourself to them. Toxic people make you choose them over someone else, or something they want over something you want. Often, this turns into a “divide and conquer” dynamic in which the only choice is them, even to the point of requiring you to cut off other meaningful relationships to satisfy them.
  7. They make you defend yourself. They have difficulty staying on point about certain issues, probably because they’re not interested in your point of view or trying to reach an amicable conclusion. Remember, they are supreme manipulators: Their tactics may include being vague and arbitrary, as well as diverting the focus of the discussion to how you’re discussing an issue your tone, your words, etc. They focus on problems, not solutions.
  8. They are not caring, supportive, or interested in what’s important to you. In fact, the good things that happen to you move the attention away from them and thwart them from focusing on their own goals. Beware of people who find fault with you and make you wrong. Loyalty is foreign to them.

The traits of toxic people can be very hard to identify, particularly with the rise of anonymity on the internet. When is somebody just kind of a bad influence, and when are they truly toxic?

When is somebody just in a bad mood, or not dealing with stress well, or just toxic? Is there any way to truly recognize toxic traits in the people around you? Psychologists have been trying to find the answers to these questions for a long time.

Content courtesy Psychology Today & Learning Mind 


This Is Why Men Always Come Back

Yes, in some cases, a man returns because he regrets losing you, but it’s important to remember how and why the relationship ended in the first place. It makes no sense to allow him back into your life when you’ve spent most of the relationship uncertain as to how much you mean to him. You’re reading this for a reason, you’re here in this moment with me for a reason, and I hope you understand that you deserve so much more. I want you to be happy, that’s all.

Apparently, he’s either bored with the person he initially left you for and or the person is no longer interested in him. When men leave all of a sudden, it is usually because they’ve taken an interest in someone new. Here’s something a lot of women don’t know.

Men use a relationship as a point of ownership, and even when the relationship ends for whatever reason, that man will add your name to a list of names of women he’s been with. He will then reference that list to see who he still controls emotionally. You remove your name from that list by refusing to allow him back into your life.

He’s testing you to see if it is indeed possible to abandon you and return whenever he wants to. He’s priming you for an extended roller-coaster of emotions. If he knows that he can hurt you, disrespect you, neglect you, then leave and decide when he’ll return, then he’ll most definitely continue to do it in hopes of continually breaking you down. The more you let him back in, the harder it is for you to move on.

He notices that you appear to be doing better and may believe that you’re beginning to move on. This belief prompts him to reach out in fear. When you successfully move on, it’ll make it harder for him to return.

He sees that you are happy without him, and his ego is damaged. This will often cause him to reach out in hopes of trying to dictate your emotions to strengthen his ego.

Content courtesy of Nairobi fashion hub Online Digital Team

Why Dating Matters

Nowadays, we live our lives online, and dating doesn’t matter.

Anything can be sorted in a second because we live in a digital world. Alex doesn’t need to wait near a telephone for Cynthia to call him at exactly 3 pm on Friday.

John Doe spotted Jane Doe twerking on Instagram and DMed her for her other social media pages. Then, they flirted on Twitter with cute emoticons, before Skyping their love away and getting engaged on Facebook in front of his close friends and families.

So John can’t understand why Jane wants physical dates now.

His mind keeps wondering: Why hustle so hard?  Can’t she ask him instead? Why put himself out there? Will the boys make fun over him because he’s pining over his crush? What if he’s crush says no? Isn’t dating overrated? What if she only wants me for A or B? Why bother if they’ll still break up, anyway? Why do face to face conversations matter so much when I can text her instead? Don’t all words matter.

So here’s a small list looking at why dating still matters.


Adam sees the most beautiful women, every day, on his way to work, but he’s never spoken to her. Instead, he fantasizes that she’s probably the muse of his dreams. Adam asks her out on a date to see his emotions are running wild or if there’s something valid there. It’ll also help him separate the wheat from the chaff.


Lisa likes taking things nice and slow because why rush perfection. She doesn’t like people that try to speed up the whole dating process. It feels like they have something to hide. So during dating, she can set the pace.


Stacy has pet peeves that she can’t overlook and she’d rather stay on her own. As she goes out on her second, or third date, she’s able to communicate this, freely and it gives the other person, an opportunity to decide if they still want to pursue Stacy or not.


Tom isn’t looking for a typical relationship, and he’s not afraid to say it. Instead, he’s looking for something experimental, like ‘She’s Gotta Have It.’ Diana has been meditating and praying, about dating with a purpose. She realises about Tom and instantly understands that they’re incompatible.


Lulu knows that by going out with James, she’ll learn something new about herself. It’ll feel like she’s staring at her reflection, in a vulnerable way.


Alternatively, James can build a solid foundation through each shared experience with his partners. It lets both of them understand each other, plus build trust and intimacy.
